Chapter 32

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"Seriously Stiles. Slow down." I heave.

"Sorry Lizzy, we're almost there I promise."

Ever since he picked me up from my last class, he's been dragging me along behind him as he runs to his next class, which we happen to have together.

We enter the room, and he lets me go, sliding into his seat and I fall into mine, finally able to catch my breath.

"Dude, I just talked to my dad, who talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news."

Scott turns around to look Stiles in the face, "...I think I already know." He points to the seat diagonally in front of him.

Oh... wow. Ok... well that's kinda problematic.

It's Isaac.

In all his smirking, leather-wearing glory.

After class, as soon as we exit the room, Stiles starts rambling on about the research he'd done during class instead of paying attention, "Alright. I only found one think online called a kanima— it's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers."

"That thing was not a jaguar." Scott sighs.

"Yeah, and Lizzy and I aren't exactly murderers." Stiles points out, motioning to the both of us with his free hand that isn't holding mine.

"Yeah, I may threaten to kill people, but I've never actually had to go through with it." I comment.

"Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody," Scott says, "which is probably why it tried to kill you." Stiles nods, but he ignores it, "And it's still trying to kill you." Both Stiles and I stop walking and stare at my brother, but he keeps walking, not paying attention to if we're following or not, "and it probably wont stop until you're dead."

And I thought I was the overthinker.

Stiles offendedly glares at the back of Scott's head, "You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship.'" He says, using air quotes.

"At least you chose to be his friend." I mention, "I'm stuck with him and never even got a choice."

"True... but at least you got me to balance him out right?"

Balance out? Or make ten times worse?

I chuckle lightly and, begin to drag him to coach's class, "I'm gonna pretend you didn't even ask that."

Once we sit down in Coach's class, it's not long before Jackson comes in as well. But, instead of going to his normal seat, he plops down right beside me, and behind Scott. Stiles is in front of me, opening his Econ textbook.

Jackson turns to me with a smile, "Hey, Liz, how ya doin'? Good? Good. Now." He looks back to the boys, "Testicle Left and Right—" I can almost picture Stiles rolling his eyes, he and Scott are ignoring the blonde jock, until he says, "What the hell is a kanima?"

How does he know about that?!

The three of us snap our heads in his direction in shock, but Coach begins talking before we can say anything, "Alright, listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review— some of you, like McCall 2, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult— I'm not even sure I could pass it. The only person I actually have faith in is Elizabeth, and poor Dorothy is still trying to help Toto and the Scarecrow." He finishes, looking directly at the boys in front of me.

I'm not even going to acknowledge how accurate his comparison was.

"Ok, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it huh?"

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