Chapter 30

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"So. Catch me up..." Allison smirks.

We're walking to meet my brother before going to lunch, it's one of the secret couple's designated meetup times, away from the cameras her crazy grandpa installed around the halls.

"What happened at the rink between you and Stiles?"

I feel my face heat up immediately, "You know exactly what happened."

"Oh, sure, but I need details! All I saw was talking, then crashing noses, then a real kiss!"

"Well... he kinda asked me..." I start muttering quickly, "tobehisgirlfriend."

Allison smiles knowingly, "I'm sorry, what? I didn't quite catch that."

I huff, attempting to lower the temperature of my red cheeks, "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"...and judging by the kiss, I take it you said yes?"

"Of course, I did. I'd be crazy not to."

The brunette lightly jumps, releasing a girly squeal, and grabs my arm, "Ahhhh I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Ally." I blush even harder, trying to ignore all the stares from passing students as we round the corner, "So, anything new with you and Sc-"

I'm cut off by a gasp.

My eyes snap to Allison, who has hers locked on something down the hall.

I follow her gaze and see Erica caging Scott seductively against the lockers, "That dirty whore." I squeak, "Scott would never!"

"I know he wouldn't. I trust him, but it doesn't make it any easier to watch."

Oh, heck no, this bitch is not fixing to mess with my brother and one of my best friends.

"You go to lunch." I instruct, "I'll save him."

Allison glumly nods and walks away, head hung low.

Scott looks over to where I am, and where Allison previously stood, only instead of seeing two girls standing and talking, he sees me angrily marching down the hallway towards him, and I can barely hear him grumble, "Oh shit."

Scott forces Erica's hands away, but she just leans in closer, making my blood boil.

I try thinking of Stiles to keep me calm. I don't want to smoke this hoe in the middle of the school hallway. I think of his warm eyes, and I feel my pulse lowering, allowing me to interrupt them with a fake polite voice, "Him excuse me, Erica... it is Erica, right? Almost didn't recognize you. Love the new look by the way." At this she smiles, and I continue, "But would you mind leaving my brother alone?"

"Awww look..." Erica snickers, "Scott's got a little yappy human guard dog."




My whole demeanor changes. I was holding it together quite nicely until she decided to say that.

My entire body tenses, my eyes narrow, my smile fades (even if it was fake to begin with), and my mouth drops.

"Ok, bitch." I begin, circling my neck sassily, "I tried being nice... in fact, I've never not been nice to you, so I don't know why you're all of a sudden being rude to me. But since you decided to snip at me, I'll let you have it Miss Avril Lavigne wannabe."

"Oh no..." Scott groans, probably knowing exactly where this is going as I clear my throat.

"Get your disgusting fake ass cleavage away from my brother, before I personally and forcibly remove your over-applied smudged eyeliner wearing, shit-starting self from him, and rip each of your nasty, overgrown claws out of your fingers one-by-one." I put on an over exaggerated fake smile, "Kay?"

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