Chapter 23

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Tonight's the night.

The formal.

I'm so excited I think I might pop, and I'm not usually one to get excited for these types of things.

Then again, I've never really had a reason to... but tonight is different.

I'm actually going on a date with Stiles.

I'm in mine and Scott's conjoined bathroom, curling my hair while our mom is in Scott's room, helping him get ready. Wanting to see how it's going, I casually walk into my brother's room, with my hair half curled.

Mom is busy inspecting Scott's tux that he basically conjured out of thin air, "See? I really think this is gonna work."

"Really?" Scott beams.


He does as she says, and all seems to be good, until, "...And no."


I follow my mom's gaze and see that Scott has a rip right up the back of his pants.

Ok... I know it's not funny... and I shouldn't want to laugh... but I do.

I try to hold in my amusement, but as soon as I speak, a snort squeaks out, "Your pants are ripped."

"Yeah..." mom sighs.

"What? I-I don't have time for this! I can't buy new ones, Mom! What am I gonna do?" The worry in my twin's voice dissolves any humor I found in the situation immediately.

"Ok, don't panic, alright?" she soothes him, "Take them off."

Scott responds with an odd look.

"Pants off. Now."

He takes his pants off, handing them to our mom who grabs some tools and starts sewing the rip closed, "So, is she coming here? Because you know I need the car tonight."

"No, I'm going stag." Scott declares.

Mom's eyebrows raise in surprise, "You're going alone?"

"Stag." He corrects her, "There's a difference. Sort of."

"Not really." I chuckle lowly, knowing full well that he could hear me, and go back to the bathroom to curl the rest of my hair. They continue talking, but I'm only half listening. I'm more focused on not burning my fingers or ears with this curling wand.

Typically, I just let my hair go natural, and it's not too bad. It will be either straight or slightly wavy, depending on the day... or the weather. I was blessed with my mom's thick hair, but instead of her tight curls, I got my dad's lack thereof, which isn't terrible but whenever my hair decides to lay flat, it reminds me of him. Which sucks. More often than not though, it decides to be wavy, becoming a mix of my parents' hair, and I personally prefer it like that.

As I finish the curling process, I hear my mom asking Scott about Allison, "Have you told her how you feel?" mom asks him.

"She knows."

Really Scott?

I'm baffled at how one twin can be so dumb, yet the other once can be relatively smart. Sometimes I seriously think I took his share of the 'intelligence genes' and left him with none, because if he does have 'em... he doesn't use 'em very often.

At that moment, I march in and lightly smack my brother on the forehead before sitting next to him so that he's positioned in between my mom and I, "Come on-- She knows?"

Mom seems to have the same train of thought, because her mouth hangs open for a second, "Listen, dumbass, I'm gonna let you in on a secret that most guys don't even have a clue about, alright? You ready? Women. Love. Words."

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