Chapter 29

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I could come up with about a million different things that are more important than what I'm being forced to do right now.

I mean really, anything is better than this.

It's not just the fact that it's gym class.

It's the fact that it's rock-climbing day.

I hate rock climbing.

More accurately, I hate heights...

But the two pretty much go together so I guess you could say I hate both.

Scott and Allison are on the wall right now, laughing and discussing the creature that attacked them at Isaac's house last night while we were at the station fighting Isaac.

I just got back from the bathroom, so I search the crowd and find Stiles, so I don't have to stand alone like a weirdo.

I get up to him and see he's wearing a blue shirt with a muffin on it, under the word 'stud.' I giggle quietly and tap his shoulder, "Nice shirt... stud muffin."

He blushes for a second before desperately trying to change the subject, "Soo... have you told Scott about... last night?"

"Kinda? Sorta, Maybe?"

"What does 'kinda' mean?"

"Well, he knows I shifted."

"Ok, and?"

"That's it."

"That's it?! You didn't think to mention the fire? Or the fact that it shot out of your FACE?!" He whisper yells, motioning to his own face for emphasis.

"Of course, I did, and I wanted to tell him everything, but he's got a lot going on right now you know? With Derek making a pack, his secret relationship, and the fact that some big thing attacked him and Allison last night, I just don't want to put the burden of thinking he has to find out what I am on top of that."

"I understand where you're coming from," he nods, "But, sooner or later, you're going to have to tell him everything."

"I know. I know. I just..." a sigh escapes my lips, "I'm trying to find the right time."

Stiles nods once more and we both look back to Scott and Allison just in time to see her kick my brother's foot out from underneath him and make him fall. The safety rope catches him before he can hit the ground, so there's no physical injuries, but with everyone in the class laughing at him, including me, Stiles, and Coach, there has to have been some damage to his ego.

Coach actually sits down on the mat that Scott is hanging just a few inches above, and snickers again, "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy..."

Me too Coach... meeee toooo.

By now Allison is back on the ground and Scott is free of the harness, leaving Coach to choose his next two victims.

"Alright, next two! Stilinski, Erica, let's go! The wall!"

Stiles sends me a wink before happily jogging over and getting harnessed up. Erica, however, just stares at the wall in fear.

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