Chapter 3

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After school ends, we have to bring Scott back to the part of the preserve that we were wandering around in last night. Apparently, he dropped his inhaler.

Interestingly enough he didn't need it during tryouts. But whatever, that's not the point.

I'm pretty sure Stiles is also trying to find the other half to the dead body that he missed out on seeing, because he's intently looking at the ground and shuffling through piles of leaves.

Scott swiftly hops over a small creek while also going on about something to do with tryouts. I'm not really paying attention.

But when I try to hop over the creek the way Scott did, I almost fall.


Stiles catches me, I can tell it's him because of the familiar tingly feeling that comes with his physical contact coursing through my lower arms, and shockingly moving to my waist when he helps steady me, "Woah, Lizzy, you good?"

"Just peachy." I smile, trying to ignore the electricity surging through my waist and into my stomach.

His hazel eyes search mine worriedly, but all I can see is the way the sun hits them, making the golden specks stand out, clear as day. It's cheesy to say I got lost in his eyes, but it's true.

Scott's voice rings through my ears, bringing me out of the trance, "What just happened here?" a small smirk is evident on his face.

Stiles' hands immediately disappear from my waist, "Oh, Lizzy almost busted her ass and I caught her so she wouldn't get mud in my jeep."

Scott nods, then continues with what he was talking about before, "I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball, and that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."

"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles interrupts.

"Like the coconut chapstick on Elizabeth's lanyard..."

That's weird... how did he know I had coconut chapstick on my lanyard? I just got it yesterday.

"And the mint mojito gum in Stiles' pocket."

Our friend looks at Scott like he's crazy, before starting to feel around in his jacket pockets,  "I don't even have any mint mojito—" he stops and unnervingly pulls out a single piece of folded up gum.

"What the-" I trail.

Scott just raises both of his arms as if to say, 'Told ya so'.

"So, all this started with the bite?" Stiles asks, now very intrigued.

"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body is flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something."

I glance at Stiles, who sends me a smirk, before making himself look as serious as possible, "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this—it's a specific kind of infection."

Where is he going with this?

"Are you serious?" Scott gasps, whipping around to face us, and training his eyes on Stiles.

"Yeah, Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy."

I have to bite my tongue to hold in a laugh. Oh my gosh, Scott, a werewolf? That's good one.

Scott, however, doesn't pick up the joke, and starts to panic, "What's that? Is that bad?"

I mentally facepalm. Ok, I HAVE to get in on this, he's practically begging for it, "Oh, yeah. I've heard about this too. It's like, really bad once a month."

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