Chapter 2

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I let out a long sigh as I take in my appearance in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were dark enough to be seen through the two layers of concealer I used.

Damn Stiles, your body hunt made me look like a whole raccoon.

"I guess this is as good as its gonna get." I grumble to myself.

After quickly exiting my room and jogging down the stairs. I am met with the sound of something heavy hitting the floor.

Oh, hey would you look at that... it was me.

I missed the last couple steps and busted my butt... nothing out of the ordinary.

Getting up, I start rubbing my backside where the floor had just assaulted me, and call back up to my brother, "SCOTT?! Are you coming? If you don't hurry up, we're gonna be late!"

Scott wasn't late ALL the time... just uh... well... sometimes? Most times? I don't know. All I do know is that if I weren't here, he wouldn't be on time for ANYTHING. He has no internal clock, so he relies on me, and I may not have a good sense of time either, but lucky for him, I know how to set fifteen alarms on my phone to wake me up so I can then get him up.

Therefore most of the time, I get the tremendous honor of waking him up in the morning.

When mom isn't home after working a late shift, I try to make it as loud and annoying as possible, but, this morning he woke up by me just opening his door. Which was weird, because he's usually a heavy sleeper.

Looking at my phone I realize it's been five more minutes, "SCO—"

"Ok, Ok, I'm right here, let's go." He huffs as he comes down the stairs, still putting his shirt and jacket on and having to tie his shoes when he gets to the bottom.

"Dude. I got you up with PLENTY of time. What happened?"

"Uh. I don't know, fell back asleep I guess... why didn't you just leave without me?"

"Because I wanted to make sure nobody tries to kidnap you." I sarcastically retort. Which he responds to with a look that just says- 'really?' sending him a shrug, I take the lead out of the door and to our bikes that are in the driveway.

Both Scott and I are saving up for an extra a car for us to use, mom always tells us she wishes we had an extra car, which we always deny needing. She shouldn't have to worry about that, she has enough on her plate as it is with the bills, groceries, and other stuff. We help when we can, but she always insists that she can manage.

My mom is amazing. She's raised a set of twins on her own, kept a full time job at the hospital, and still manages to be there whenever we need her. I strive to be like her, hard-working, determined, smart, and compassionate, a real-life superhero.

Both Scott and I strap our helmets on and head off to school. As my legs circle the pedals, I thought about what Scott asked me earlier. I didn't leave without him because I didn't feel like showing up alone.

Other than Scott and Stiles, the only friends I had for any real length of time were in fourth grade, one of which was Lydia Martin, but it took her all of about three days to decide I wasn't rich or pretty enough to be her friend before she dropped me. That same year I had a girl who I hung out with almost every day, and I even had a "boyfriend" or whatever you want to call it. I really just wanted to see if Stiles would get jealous or not, but that's completely irrelevant. Either way, both of them just ended up randomly not coming back to school.

I could never really keep friends, and I don't understand why... maybe I'm too sarcastic and obnoxious, or maybe it's because I would rather stay home, watch movies and play board games than go out and get drunk.

Inferno - Stiles Stilinski Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz