Chapter 15

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After breaking into the school, we sneak to the front office and walk right in. I guess they don't lock the individual doors inside the school since they figure nobody would be dumb enough to break through the big chains on the front entrance.

Or dumb enough to break into a freaking high school after hours.

Well, they were wrong.

Because that's precisely what we did.

Never underestimate the stupidness of people... especially my people.

I have an extremely bad feeling about this, and walking through the office door, I blurt out the first of many things I have running through my mind, "Quick question... uh, what are you gonna do if the alpha doesn't show up?"

"I don't know." Scott sighs.

"And what if he does? What then?"

"...I don't know."

Stiles and I scoff in unison, and he starts to hook up the PA system that runs throughout the school, both inside and outside.

"Good plan... no, GREAT plan." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, you two said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right?"

"Right. But if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack?" Stiles anxiously asks.

"I hope not." My brother looks to me, scared, so I grab his shoulder reassuringly.

"You're not a killer, you won't be like him. I know you, Scotty."

Once Stiles gets the PA system set up, he puts the microphone in front of Scott, and turns the volume all the way up, "Alright. All you."

Scott clears his throat before taking a breath and releasing a sound over the intercom.

It. Is. Embarrassing.

The only way to explain it, is that it sounds like something dying or a chair getting scraped across the floor.

"Was that, ok? I mean, that was a howl, right?" He looks at us hopefully, the latter running his fingers over his hair.

"I... Yeah, technically..." Stiles scrunches his face.

"Well, what did it sound like to you?"

"You know in Lion King... when tiny Simba tries to roar? Well mix that with an R2D2 scream and a Jurassic Park velociraptor noise." I explain, moving my hands around animatedly.


"It sounds like a cat being choked to death, Scott." Stiles blandly clarifies.

Yeah... that works too.

"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this?" My brother starts freaking out.

"Hey, hey. Listen to me" Our friend leaves the desk, walks around, and starts rubbing Scott's shoulders like a coach would a fighter, "You're calling the alpha, alright? Be a man. Be a werewolf, not a teen wolf. Be a werewolf. Do it."

Scott looks to me for support once again, so I enforce what was just said, "Exactly what Stiles just said, take a breath, let the wolf take control and let it out."

Returning his gaze to the PA mic, he takes another deep breath, this time allowing his eyes to turn a golden yellow, and lets out a roar so big, the room starts to shake. I can even hear the lockers in the hall clamoring as well.

"Damn. That was good." I laugh slightly, having to regain my balance after he made the floor shake.

When we return to Derek outside, his face is the complete opposite of ours. While ours are painted with proud smiles, his conveys a deeper version of his normal scowl, "I'm going to kill all of you!" he furiously yells, "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"

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