Chapter 6

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Another Monday.

I roll out of bed and drag myself over to my closet, and changing into a pair of jeans and a Marvel t-shirt before topping it off with a flannel.

Stiles would be here soon.

We haven't talked about yesterday either... when I woke up, it was dark, and I was in my bed. Stiles had sent me a text saying he had to get back home, but that he had a great time.

Never in a million years did I think I would end up falling asleep snuggling into Stiles. But it was something that I would happily do again. That was the best sleep I've had in ages.

Scott starts snapping his fingers in my face, very rudely bringing me out of my daydream trance.

"What do you want Scott?"

"You wanna tell me what happened yesterday?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You, Stiles, cuddled up on the couch? Ring a bell?"

"I fell asleep. What's the big deal?"

"The fact that I walk by, and you both were sleeping."


"Stiles very rarely sleeps without his pillow."

I hadn't even thought about that, but he was right.

"Maybe he was just really tired. Keeping up with you is a real job."

"Oh, whatever Liza. But just so you know... I ship it."

"Excuse me?"

"You and Stiles. I've been shipping you two for ages."

"Scott." I stand up and put my hands firmly on his shoulders, "Stiles and I are not together. We are not getting together. We are never getting together. You and I both know he loves Lydia."

As much as it hurts to say, I know it's true.

He rolls his eyes and exits my room, shaking his head in defeat.

My phone dings, and without looking, I know it's Stiles telling me he's here.

"C'mon Scott, time to go."

"Already at the door!" he calls from downstairs.

When I get outside, the seat was down and ready for me to climb into the back.

Once everyone gets situated, Stiles fires up the jeep and we are on the way to the school.

"Sooooooo..." I draw, "What's your plan for Allison?" I teasingly poke Scott's shoulder, causing him to lean and shove my hand away.

"I'm going to apologize."

"No. Shit." I deadpan.

"She means, HOW are you going to apologize. What are you going to say?" Stiles elaborates moving his hand around.

"I'm going to say I came down with something, and that it's best for her to just trust me."

"That's a terrible idea."

"Stiles!" I smack the side of his arm.

"WHAT?! It is?!"

"You got a better idea?" Scott asks.

"Well... no."

"Then I don't want to hear it." My brother ends the argument just as we pull into the school parking lot.

We all jump out and start walking into the school. I can't even look at Stiles without blushing... I mean I was barely able to before, but now it's even worse. I feel so awkward, that I end up unintentionally avoiding him all day.

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