Chapter 1 - The Great Suburban Showdown

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Sit around with the folks
Tell the same old tired jokes
Bored to death on Sunday afternoon
Mom and Dad me and you
And the outdoor barbecue
Think I'm gonna hide out in my room

Friday, July 10, 1970
Dear Diary,

Well, I've been here almost a whole month now. Not much has changed since I got here. I still feel a little like a fish out of water, but I've at least managed to make a couple of friends at work. Sandy is 18 like me, and she's the one I've gotten to know the best. Barb is older, 22 I think, and she's nice but she works different hours and we've only hung out briefly.

I still miss my friends back in Philly. I miss everything back in Philly, actually. I've gotten letters from Martha and Cynthia and written them both back. I think hearing about what's happening back home only makes me miss it more. I suppose there's nothing really wrong with Long Island, but living in the suburbs is a big change. And honestly it's pretty boring.

Well, I guess that's about it. I'm supposed to be going out with Sandy and one of her friends tonight to see some local bands play. It'll be nice to hopefully meet some more people my age and maybe have a little fun.



"Hey, my last table just left. Do you want a ride home? It looks like it's drizzling."

I looked up from the table where I was rolling silverware into napkins. This was my second full week of working the breakfast shift at the diner near my parents' house. "Oh, I don't mind walking, but I suppose if you're offering..."

Sandy laughed. "Obviously I'm offering. Besides, I need to see where you live so I know where to pick you up tonight."

Sandy worked breakfasts too, and she was the only other waitress close to my age on the shift. All the others were in their thirties or older.

"You're so lucky you have a car." I slid out of the booth and gathered my belongings. "My parents say if I want a car I gotta buy it myself. But if I had that kind of money I wouldn't be living with them anymore, would I?"

Sandy pulled a few bobby pins from her hair, releasing her blonde waves from their confining bun. "Don't feel bad. The car belongs to my older brother. The only reason I have it is because he moved away for college and couldn't take it with him."

"Still lucky, though." I followed her out of the diner and through the parking lot to a gray Volkswagen Beetle.

"Just point me in the right direction."

My house was only five blocks away from the diner. That was mostly why I had applied for the waitressing job there, knowing I could walk to and from work. A few moments later Sandy was pulling into the driveway.

"Doors open at 7:30 tonight. I gotta pick Mary up first but I'll be here to get you by 7 o'clock, okay?"

"Sounds good," I replied. "And thanks for inviting me out. You're pretty much the only friend I've made here so far, so my social life is basically nonexistent."

"You don't have to thank me," Sandy smiled as I climbed out of the car. "I'll see you a little later!"


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