Chapter 16 - My Life

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I don't need you to worry for me
'Cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me
It's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore
This is my life
Go ahead with your own life
Leave me alone

Friday, May 28, 1976
Dear Diary,

Being back in New York has brought some much needed comfort and familiarity back into our lives. We spent most of the winter renting a cute little cottage upstate in Highland Falls. It gave Bill a chance to do a lot of writing and figure out his next steps. Being away from the hustle and bustle almost felt like the honeymoon we never had, but as of this week, we're now officially in the City.

Since leaving L.A. Bill has made so many replacements within our inner circle that it almost feels like we're living an entirely new life. Right after we got here he finally fired Johnny as his manager and replaced him with Vince. His band has also gone through a massive turn around, and Bill's been working with some new guys he seems really happy with.

As for me, I'm struggling with the idea of finally tackling the chasm between me and my parents. It's been years since I've seen them, and they really don't know anything about my life. They don't even know I'm married. Bill and I have talked about the possibility of having kids one day, but I feel like I need to put the issues with my parents to rest before doing that. Finally being back on the East Coast has me thinking it's time to extend my hand and see what happens.



"I can't get over how seamless this whole thing has been."

Billy pulled me closer in our bed, snuggling his chin against my shoulder. "Vince is a magician. I should have done this a long time ago."

Since Vince had taken over as Billy's manager it quickly became apparent just how poorly Johnny had been handling things before. Situations that had once been incredibly stressful for us were suddenly now just... taken care of. Our new apartment was part of a sprawling four story brownstone on the Upper East Side, and everything about the move had been practically done for us. Studio time had been booked for Billy and his new bandmates, and the recording of his latest album had been a breeze. Tour dates and travel accommodations were cemented and confirmed, all without a finger lifted from either of us. We suddenly now had people - an entire team of assistants and associates, coordinators and agents, all taking care of the minutiae surrounding Billy's life and career.

"So are you really sure you won't come with us?"

I nodded and snuggled into his embrace, the back of my body spooning into the front of his. "We just got settled in here. There's no way I'm ready to trade this for hotel rooms and tour busses yet. And besides, Sandy needs someone to check in on her and keep her company while Vince is gone with you."

"How's she feeling?"

"Tired... Nauseous..."

Billy's latest album, Turnstiles, had been out for less than a week and he was leaving tomorrow to begin his twelve week summer tour. It was a tough decision, but I had opted to stay home instead of going with him. Sandy had recently found out she was pregnant and was having a pretty rough first trimester. I'd also decided it was finally time to go see my parents face to face, and I wanted to do it alone.

"I'm gonna miss you so bad, baby. Three months without this?" He reached an arm past my waist and began to rub between my legs. "What am I supposed to do?"

"I guess you'll just have to take care of things yourself," I chuckled. "Call me if you need me to walk you through it."

"Mmm, you're such a tease."

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