Chapter 22 - You're Only Human

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It's not always easy
To be living in this world of pain
You're gonna be crashing
Into stone walls again and again
It's alright it's alright
Though you feel your heart break
You're only human
You're gonna have to deal
With heartache

Tuesday, October 11, 1977
Dear Diary,

I know it's not necessarily his fault, but Bill hanging up on me last night made me feel like he just up and abandoned me when I needed him most. I don't know quite what to do. I barely slept a wink last night, and I've got a pretty bad backache and some cramping in my lower abdomen. I know once I drag myself out of bed and start moving around I'll probably feel better, but I'm starting to get worried that maybe something is wrong. I just called Sandy and she's gonna come over soon. What an absolute mess the past 24 hours have been...



I had just started up the coffee pot when the phone rang, and I sped across the kitchen in hopes that it was Billy.


"Good morning, this is Marcy," our realtor's cheerful voice piped through the line. "Is this Mrs. Joel?"

"Oh... hello. Yes, it is." I tried not to let my disappointment show in my tone.

"I was calling to let you know that your offer on the house was accepted. Congratulations!"

"Oh..." In the chaos of the past two days I had completely forgotten about the house. "Um, that's wonderful, thank you."

"The lender will be contacting you soon to arrange all the paperwork, but as long as everything goes to plan, your projected closing date is December 11th."

"Wow, okay..." I let out a breath. "Thank you again. This is great..."

"You're very welcome. Have a wonderful afternoon, and I'll be in touch."

"Thanks, you too."

I hung the phone up in a daze. The idea that we could soon be living in that house was thrilling, but with the events of the last few days, my mind just couldn't focus. The doorbell suddenly rang and I headed out of the kitchen to answer it.

Sandy walked in with Tiffany on her hip and a look of concern on her face. "How are you doing?"

"All right..."

She followed me into the kitchen and got Tiffany situated with some toys on the floor while I poured two cups of coffee.

"Our realtor just called. Looks like we're gonna get that house."

"Oh, my gosh! I forgot all about that!"

"Me too." I placed the coffee mugs on the table and sat down across from Sandy. "With everything going on..."

"Were you able to talk to Bill? Vince tried calling last night and it was a mess. He was calling from the hotel lobby and it was so loud... Something about the room phones not working?"

"Yeah, I got the same thing." I let out a frustrated sigh. "It was so loud and so chaotic that he ended up hanging up on me."

Sandy's eyes went wide. "Are you serious? Did you even get to tell him about your mom?"

"Yeah, but barely. He said he'd call today once they got to the next hotel." I took a long sip of my coffee. "I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but out of all the nights for that to happen..."

I've Loved These Days: A Billy Joel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now