Chapter 25 - Vienna

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Too bad but it's the life you lead
You're so ahead of yourself
That you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong
You know you can't always see
When you're right

Saturday, May 8, 1978
Dear Diary,

Bill's tour of Australia really went amazingly. We all spent the first few days in a fog of jet lag, but soon enough we got our bearings. Along with being an absolutely beautiful country, the people there were all so kind.

The one thing that left a bad taste in my mouth was learning how Elizabeth came to be included in the trip. Once we got settled, Bill and I had a conversation with Jon, and we learned that Elizabeth had been personally invited by Vince. Apparently, since moving back with Jon, she's been working as a financial advisor at an office here on Long Island. Elizabeth introduced herself to Vince, and they ended up having some serious financial conversations over the last few months. She asked if she could come with Jon on the trip, and Vince said yes, not knowing the sordid details of the history between us all.



We had been back from Australia for two weeks and I was finally beginning to feel human again. Jet lag is no joke, and the farther you travel from home, the longer it takes to recover.

"I still feel just awful for the whole thing..."

"Oh stop, Sandy. You had nothing to do with any of it."

It was a sunny May afternoon, and we were sitting at my kitchen table while I sifted through the huge pile of mail that had accumulated in our absence.

"Maybe not, but I still feel bad." Sandy took a sip from her coffee cup and placed it on the table. "I had no clue he was even talking with her, much less using her for financial advice. He should've known better!"

"Well how would he?" I replied. "You didn't even meet Vince until after all the drama happened. It's not like he knew about our history."

"That's true..." Sandy sighed. "And you're somehow okay with her now?"

"Not really... But I'm trying to be the bigger person here. I seem to be the only one who still has any issues with her."

"I have an issue with her!" Sandy blurted.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, of course. We seem to be the only ones who have an issue with her." I paused for a moment and then let out a small sigh. "Sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm just being petty."


"I mean, it's been eight years since it happened, and she's apologized..." I thumbed through the newly organized stack of bills and got up to toss the junk mail into the trash can.

"I dunno... If someone did that to me... did that to Vince... I'd still want to murder them."

I let out a small chuckle. "The thought crossed my mind once or twice back in the day. But if I keep holding on to this grudge, the only thing it'll do is eat me up inside."

"You're a better person than I am, Kat."

"I told Bill on the plane that I don't want him talking to her," I continued. "He said I was just being paranoid, but he agreed not to. I've decided to be kind, but I'm still wary."

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