Chapter 20 - The Night Is Still Young

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I know we got to work real hard
Maybe even for the rest of our lives
But right now I just want to take
What I can get tonight
While the night is still young
I want to keep making love to you
While the night is still young
I'd like to settle down get married
And maybe have a child someday

Wednesday, December 8, 1976
Dear Diary,

Oh my gosh, Sandy is about to have her baby!! Vince just called from the hospital to let us know she's in labor. I can't believe it! I'm so excited for her and I can't wait to go visit once the baby is here!!

It blows my mind to think of Sandy as a mother. Obviously I've known it was happening, but somehow finding out that this baby is gonna be here any minute just makes it hit home how REAL it is! Bill thinks they're having a boy, but I'm betting on a girl. I guess we'll find out today!



"I knew it was gonna be a girl!" I exclaimed.

"Lucky guess," Billy replied as we walked down the hall of the maternity ward.

I scanned the small placards on the wall indicating the room numbers. "503, this is it." The door was closed so I gave a light knock before opening it. "Is it okay to come in?"

"Kat!" Sandy's voice beamed. "Yes, please, come in!"

Billy and I entered the hospital room and the sight that greeted us was picture perfect. Sandy was sitting up in bed cradling a teeny blanketed bundle in her arms. She looked exhausted, and yet she was absolutely glowing. Vince was seated on the edge of the bed next to her and he stood up as we walked in.

"Congratulations, man!" Billy headed directly for Vince and shook his hand.

"Thank you," Vince smiled. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out two cigars, handing one to Billy. "Take a walk with me for a smoke?"

Billy nodded and the two men headed out leaving me with Sandy and her tiny bundle of joy. I couldn't contain my smile as I gently sat down on the bed with her.

"You have a baby, Sandy," I marveled. "You're a mommy..."

"I know," Sandy beamed. She pulled the edge of the blanket down and tilted her arms to show me her daughter's face. "Have you ever seen anything so perfect?"

I shook my head and gazed at the tiny features in front of me. Her eyes were closed but she had the cutest little button nose and cherub lips. "She's beautiful! Have you picked out a name yet?"

"Tiffany," Sandy smiled. "Tiffany Marie DiNapoli. Did you want to hold her?"

I looked at Sandy and then back at tiny little Tiffany. "Are you sure I won't hurt her?"

"Just make sure you support her head."

Sandy leaned forward and slid the blanketed bundle into my arms. I looked down at the miniature human cradled in my arms and I felt a swell of emotion inside of me. Little Tiffany opened her mouth and let out the cutest yawn I'd ever seen, and I bent my head down to deposit a small kiss on her forehead.

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