Chapter 5 - Somewhere Along The Line

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Now my belly's full
Of fancy food and wine
But in the morning
There'll be hell to pay
Somewhere along the line

Friday, April 2, 1971
Dear Diary,

I haven't seen or spoken to my dad since I moved out. I suppose 4 months is a long time to not talk to your own father, but he's the one that caused all this, not me. I've switched to lunch shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays and that's been a lifesaver. Between the constant early mornings at work and late nights at the house, I really felt like I was burning the candle at both ends.

Bill's old manager from the Hassles got a recording deal for their new band, so Attila released their first album a couple of weeks ago. It sounds a little like if Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin had a really loud baby. They've been playing a decent amount of gigs, but I'm not sure the crowds dig their sound because the album hasn't sold much.

Other than that, things at the house have been pretty good. It took me a little while to adjust to things like buying my own groceries and budgeting for rent and everything else, so I haven't added money to my savings box in awhile. But my whole reason for saving in the first place was to get back "home," and that feels silly now because living with Bill feels like I AM home. I really would still love to go visit Janice in L.A, though, so maybe I'll put that money towards a cross-country trip.



The living room at the Rock House was finally usable. The last of the boxes and clutter had been cleared out over the past few weeks. It was a sunny Friday afternoon and I was curled up on the couch with a book, having come home from work about 30 minutes ago.

Billy had just gotten up and was sitting at his organ plunking away at a new melody. It always amazed me how he can be at his most creative right after waking up. I can barely even make a complete sentence when I first get up, and he's over there making entire songs. He claims that music comes to him in his dreams, and he often goes straight from the bed to the keyboard.

"If you wanna keep buying stupid shit then ask your parents and stop wasting my damn money!" Elizabeth's booming voice echoed down the hall, ruining the peaceful moment Billy and I had been sharing.

"How the fuck is it your money?" Jon retorted. "I'm the one earning it!"

"We're fucking married, aren't we?! Your money is my money."

Their voices became muffled as they disappeared into the kitchen, and I let out a sigh. These types of interactions were becoming more and more frequent from our housemates.

"Why the hell are they married? Have they always been like this?"

Billy shrugged as he continued blending chords together. "Not always. I don't really know all the details, but they had a pregnancy scare or something a couple years ago. It was before I joined the Hassles. I think her parents made them get married, but then she lost the baby sometime after that."

"Oh, wow..."

I suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for Elizabeth. It didn't excuse her ongoing rudeness towards me, but it certainly explained some of her sour attitude in general.

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