Chapter 10 - This Night

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Didn't I say I wasn't ready
For a romance
Didn't we promise
We would only be friends
And so we danced
Though it was only a slow dance
I started breaking my promises
Right there and then

Friday, April 28, 1972
Dear Diary,

I'm writing this as I sit in my parents' driveway waiting for Bill to pick me up. Things went pretty much like I expected when I told them. My dad basically disowned me. My mom... well, she'll never go against my father, but at least she's not quite as angry with me as he is.

Janice is really excited for my visit and I can't wait to see her! The plan is to stay with her for at least a month, and if I end up liking it out there, I'll look for a job and stay even longer. 

I'm ridiculously nervous for this trip. I need to talk to Bill and tell him what I'm feeling - tell him I want to try being a couple again - but I've made a promise to myself that I won't do it until we get to L.A. because if he says no, I don't want the car ride to be more awkward than it has to be. I have no idea how I'm gonna manage sleeping next to him for a week...

We've talked about ways to save as much money as we can, and we've decided we'll try camping outdoors when it's possible and get a cheap motel every couple days for showers and stuff. So I'll be spending my days next to him in the car and my nights next to him in a tent. Wish me luck...



I looked up from my book. The radio station was fading in and out again and I twisted the dial searching for a new one.

"Welcome to Ohio," Billy said, nodding towards the sign we were approaching.

We were 8 hours into our first day of travel, and we'd spent most of it navigating through the congestion of New York and across all of Pennsylvania. Thankfully the conversation had come easily, and Billy spent most of the trip regaling me with tales from his months of touring. It felt so good to have him next to me, and I knew I'd made the right decision to come on this trip.

"We should probably start looking for a place to crash tonight," he continued. "Sun's going down soon, and if we're gonna set that tent up we need enough light to do it."

I nodded and looked out the window. We were on a heavily wooded stretch of interstate. "Why don't you just get off at the next exit and we'll see what's around."

Within 15 minutes we were able to find a small, empty side road butted up against some woods. I grabbed some sandwiches from our cooler, and we got out to stretch our legs, eat a quick dinner, and then tackle our lodging for the night.

"Can you hold this up?" Billy pointed to part of the tent as he wrangled with the support poles.

"Yeah, sure." I grabbed it and he pulled the tent fabric tightly. "What do I do with it?"

"Just hold it up and don't let go." He continued draping the fabric over the support poles, pulling it taut.

I watched as he secured each corner to the ground. Billy's hair was hanging loosely in his eyes, and I resisted the urge to reach over and brush it behind his ears. As he approached the final corner he came around behind me, attaching the last support pole to the area I was holding. For a brief moment I was encompassed in his arms while he reached around me, and my heart suddenly jumped to my throat. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and I closed my eyes as a surge of desire shot through me. I wondered if perhaps he was doing it intentionally, but as soon as the thought entered my mind, he stepped back.

I've Loved These Days: A Billy Joel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now