Chapter 2 - Get It Right The First Time

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I don't believe in first impressions
For just this once
I hope that looks don't deceive
I ain't got time for true confessions
I've got to make the move right now
Got to meet that girl somehow
I've gotta get it right the first time
That's the main thing
I can't afford to let it pass
You get it right the next time
That's not the same thing
Gonna make the first time last

Saturday, July 11, 1970
Dear Diary,

What a night, but man, I am paying for it now. I was a zombie my entire shift at the diner this morning but I don't even care because last night was worth it.

Sandy and her friend took me to a club in town, and then afterwards we went to a party. I think my dad is a little upset at me for staying out so late, but when is he NOT upset with me nowadays? His attitude just gives me more reason to try and get out of here.

So anyway, I was a little nervous at first to go to this party because I didn't know anyone, but I'm so glad I went. It ended up being amazing, even if I did cause a slight scene at one point. I finally got to have some fun and meet some more people my age. And I even met a cute boy...



By the looks of the parking situation outside of the party, I could tell this wasn't just some small get together. Sandy had to park almost three blocks away.

"Do you know the people that live here?" I asked as we approached the house.

"It's kind of a crash pad," Sandy replied. "I'm not sure who it actually belongs to, but it's basically got a revolving door for anyone who's got a couple bucks and needs a place to sleep."

"Tony lives here," Mary added as she playfully elbowed Sandy. Sandy elbowed her right back.

"It looks like all of Hicksville is here tonight,"  I nodded towards the crowd in the front yard. "I hope you don't mind if I stick close to you guys. I don't really know anyone else."

"Don't worry, I'm gonna introduce you around!" Sandy waved an arm in the air as we walked across the front yard, "Donna! Hey!"

Once we made it inside Sandy was true to her word and I was rapidly introduced to multiple people and given a quick tour. Along with being full of party-goers, the house was also full of an eclectic mix of furniture - various mismatched couches filled the living room, a ping pong table littered with half empty beer bottles sat in the middle of the dining room, and the kitchen, surprisingly, had three refrigerators but no kitchen table.

It took me almost an hour to start feeling comfortable, but I soon found my way into a conversation with a small group of girls in the living room. Sandy had just returned from the bathroom and she whispered in my ear.

"Hey, are you okay if I disappear for a bit?" She was standing there with a tipsy smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are you up to...?"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corner, away from the group.

"Tony asked me to meet him upstairs!" she whisper-yelled. "He said to give him a couple minutes to straighten up his room. I just had to check that you were okay. I know you didn't want us to get separated."

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