Fourty || Dinner with the Dunbars

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|| Dinner with the Dunbar

"No, I don't care," Jacy said, leaving her bathroom in a black and white dress with sleeves that went to her elbows. "I know he's in town, but I don't want to go see him or even speak to him."


"Don't Jacy me, Mom." Jacy hopped slightly, pulling on a pair of tasteful black heels. "That jackass doesn't have my blessing to be here because I know exactly what he wants." She pointed at her mom, standing up a few inches taller than before. "And he's not getting it."

"Then tell him that." Olivia followed Jacy out of her room and down the hall. "If you make your point, he'll leave."

"How about I just tell Jordan to have Dad come to the station conveniently while Agent McCall is there," Jacy offered, going down the stairs.

"Oh, come on, you know that's a tough subject."

"And it's his fault," Jacy flatly said, walking past Aaron and into the kitchen. She slowed her pace brought on by a flash of anger. "And it's too late anyways. The Dunbars are going to be here soon." She went to the oven as her timer beeped. "So, Dad can go to Hell and we can eat with the nice, new family of a town we are no longer the new ones of."

Olivia was about to reply when the doorbell rang, "Fine."

"Get the door, I'll set the food out," Olivia said, nudging Jacy to go invite in the guests.

Jacy walked along the foyer and reached the door. Bringing out a smile, she pulled it open. "Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar, Liam, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Jacy, please come in."

Doctor Dunbar smiled brightly, shaking Jacy's hand. "We're so glad to see that you're better."

Mrs. Dunbar, Liam's mother, offered a hand out to Jacy. "Thank you so much for inviting us to your home. It's lovely."

"Thank you. Just follow the hall and the dining room is on the left." Jacy took the dessert plate from Mrs. Dunbar, directing them off. She smiled at the teen, "Hi Liam. Nice to meet you."

Liam shook her hand, looking slightly embarrassed from being in an unfamiliar place with an upperclassman. "Hi, yeah you too."

"Come on in." Jacy tried to be friendly, knowing freshman year could be a pain in the ass. "What did you think of Beacon Hills High? Today was your first day, right?"

"Yeah, it was good." Liam nodded, putting his hands in his pockets as they walked through the hall towards the kitchen. "I met some cool people..."

"That's great. You're lucky. I didn't make friends really until a month after I moved here." Jacy set the dessert on the island as Liam took a seat next to his stepdad. Going across the table, she claimed the spot next to her mom.

This felt eerily like when the McCalls were over.

Then again, a lot of things had changed since the night that seemed to jump start it all.

Jacy was just hoping she could end the night without getting kidnapped, again.

There was a small talk to start off the dinner, including a discussion of snow, the difference of Michigan and California and even about the new car Jacy had gotten for her seventeenth birthday.

Then, just as second drinks were being taken up, the conversation reverted to lacrosse.

"I've heard good things about Beacon Hills' lacrosse team," Dr. Dunbar said as the topic of the high school came up. "Do you know anything about it?"

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