Ten || You Smell Tense

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|| You Smell Tense

Jacy shut the door of her car, curious eyes on the Martin house as she crossed the front of the Honda. It was by all means impressive. She knew her house was cool - aged and rustic, but Lydia's was amazing.

     She hauled her backpack out of the passengers seat, focus still lingering on the home in front of her as she locked the Honda. Approaching the house, an uncomfortable feeling settled in her stomach, but she still raised her fist the door.

Lydia opened the door a moment after she knocked, a soft smile on her lips. "Come on in."

Kira was in the kitchen, smiling when she saw the two down the hall. "Hey Jacy."

"Hey," Jacy said, lifting her hand in greeting. Her discomfort was evident, but she tried her best to hide it.

     The idea friends was overwhelming, especially when said potential friends chloroformed you only a week before.

"I'll put your bag upstairs," Lydia offered Jacy, the teen still carrying her backpack over one shoulder.

"Sure." Jacy pushed hair from her cheek as she took the bag off. "I mean, unless you're planning on searching it or something."

     It was meant to be a joke.

Lydia laughed, but too quickly. "What am I?" Her words were more high pitched than normal. "Airport security?"

Kira forcefully laughed, "Right. Because airport security check bags...for airplanes...at the airport."

"Should I pretend I don't know what you're up to?"

Lydia handed Jacy her bag back as Kira joined them in the foyer. "How about you come upstairs?"

Jacy held up her hands after putting her bag back on. "No chloroform, all right?"

Neither found it funny, but instead began to ascent upstairs. Lydia went first, Kira following last to put Jacy in the middle.

"I'm guessing it wasn't just the awkwardness of kidnapping me that kept you from talking to me without the werewolf around."

Lydia led them into her room, her laptop open on her vanity. "You would have done it too if you found what we did."

"Are you a democrat? Because I promise that I don't really associate with my father." Jacy was under Kira's watchful eye while Lydia picked up her computer.

"Is that code?" Kira asked, her eyebrows knitting together.

"You said what you 'found'." Jacy's eyes flickered between Kira and Lydia. "My dad, right?"

"Why would your dad have anything to do with it?" Lydia glanced from her laptop to Jacy. "This is about you."

"We did a search on you last week." Kira went and stood next to Lydia, holding a false sense of confidence in the situation. "Or at least on the name you use."

"Use? I didn't think a birth certificate was 'using'." Jacy glanced from the macbook to its owner. "Do you want to see the name tag on my underwear for proof?"

"Stop the games," Lydia said, turning the computer around so it faced Jacy. "You don't exist."

Jacy held up her hands, making sure they didn't wince. "I found your error." She eased towards the macbook, backspacing before typing. Clicking enter, she selected a link. "All better?"

Clairvoyant || Stilinski [1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin