Fifty-One || The Psychic Thing

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|| The Psychic Thing

Sheriff Stilinski walked with Lydia and Jacy, keeping his voice down as they went though the station. "I'm aware this is probably about the deadpool, but I can't let her leave the station. And, in about a minute, I'm gonna have to call Eichen House and let them know that she's here."

"Give us an hour," Lydia said.

Stilinski hesitated with a scoff, "You got 15 minutes."

"We'll take it," Jacy replied before going into Stilinski's office with Lydia. She heard her brother's voice, able to see him just outside the door as she stood next to the desk.

Meredith looked ot Jacy with slight concern, her eyes scanning over her.

"Meredith, this is Jacy-"

"I know who she is," the banshee said, interrupting Lydia.

"Or because of the other thing?" Jordan asked Stilinski, questioning why Lydia was called.

Stilinski got concerned but didn't show it. "What other thing?"

Jacy minorly panicked, worried she'd done something wrong when taking memories from him.

"The psychic thing."

Jacy laughed, getting an odd look from Jordan through the door.

"You think Lydia's psychic?"

"Do you?"

"No, I do not. I think that she is, uh...intuitive," Stilinski replied in cover up.

"That's what they used to call psychics," Jordan said. "Intuitionists."

"Don't do it," Jacy mumbled.

"Yeah, and I used to call myself a rational human being. Get in here and shut the door."

Parrish followed his boss in, shutting the door behind him.

"Hi big brother," Jacy said in greeting to Jordan as he came to stand next to her.

"Ask what you need to ask," Stilinski told Lydia after letting out a sigh.

Lydia held down her phone to Meredith with a light smirk, offering it to her. She knew phone calls were how she interpreted her senses. As Meredith took it, the strawberry blonde got confused why she didn't start. "Meredith, aren't you going to answer it?"

Jordan looked down to Jacy with a raised eyebrow, wondering what the hell was going on.

Jacy motioned for him to wait, Meredith standing.

The girl leaned in next to Lydia, whispering, "It's not ringing." She sat back down, about to start testing Lydia's patience.

Lydia crouched down, "Meredith, you came here to help us, remember?"

Meredith hesitated but smiled, "You called me."

"What do you mean I called you?" Lydia asked in reply.

"I heard you," she said in a whisper.

"Meredith," Jordan spoke up, causing Jacy's eyes to widen slightly, "can I ask you a question?"

Meredith looked up to Jordan, giving a nod.

Deputy Parrish went down on a knee, "When you need help, when you need to find something, is there someone you reach out to? Maybe someone you can call," he said with a glance to Lydia.

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