Thirty-One || Calavera

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|| Calavera

Jacy sat with her hands holding her head, her knees curled up to her chest. Still in the hospital, she was in a pair of grey sweatpants and a U of M hoodie. "Why can't I go home?" she asked in a mumble, staring at the yellow socks they'd given her so she wouldn't slip on the tile floors.

"Because," Doctor Dane took a picture of the healed patch of skin on her back before putting her hoodie down, "we still have to find an explanatioin for why the incredibly deep gashes are gone."

"I'm a monster, that's why."

"Jacy." Other than Jacy and Olivia, Melissa was in the room too. She took her mind away from Olivia checking her blood pressure. "You're not a monster. You don't have a wink of bad in you and everyone knows that. Just think of it this way: All it is is a new lifestyle. It doesn't make you a different person or a bad one. You're still Jacy, you only have a new chapter added to your story."

Olivia smiled lightly as she scribbled down a couple of numbers on her charts. She knew Melissa had practice with this.

"Do you really think that?" Jacy softly asked, watching Nurse McCall.

"I know it." A slight grin crossed her, "And if you think I'm lying, listen to my heartbeat. It's a trick you'll get down. Scott can teach you."

"I want to get out of here before I do any werewolf 101." Jacy ran her hand through her hair, resting her forhead on her knee. "I need to call Darren. I've missed work."

"Darren already knows. I called and he told me to tell you to take all the time you need and not to worry." Olivia closed the papers flipped over and looked to her daughter's. "I'll go file a report and try to get you out of here."

"What are we going to tell Dr. Dunbar? He wanted Jacy as his first patient." Melissa knew he'd be starting tomorrow and already had chosen where to start for his first day at the new hospital.

"We'll just have to tell him she recovered quickly." Doctor Dane nodded for Melissa to come with her. "Since you faked Lahey's a few months ago you can help me with hers."

"Sure." Melissa looked back to Jacy, "Do you want Stiles and Scott back in here?"

"Actually could you just send Jordan in?" Jacy got up from the reclined bed, feeling she'd go insane sitting or laying down any longer. She took off her socks, resenting the sticky pads on the bottoms.

"Hey, J." Jordan poked his head in before completely coming in. "Are you-"

"Please don't ask me if I'm okay." Jacy started pacing slightly.

"All right..." He shut the door behind him. "Is Mom letting you leave?"

"Once she fakes a report, yeah." She looked out the window, the snow from Christmas already gone. California was always quick to get rid of it.

"Good, then hopefully he won't have a reason to come."

Jacy returned back to Jordan, "Who won't have a reason?"

"No one, I just-"

There was an uptick in his pulse that she could hear across the room.

"Don't lie, J, please." She said without anger, "Who's coming-" Her eyes widened, "Oh, please tell me he's not."

Jordan touched his arm, rubbing it. "You told me not to lie."

Jacy briefly closed her eyes, "When?"

"He'll be here next week the day after you start school back up."

"Super fuc-"

"Hey, come on. He'll leave as soon as he gets here if he even does." Jordan didn't want him and Jacy definitely didn't.

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