Fourty-Four || No Shit, Sherlock

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|| No Shit, Sherlock

Jacy stood in her brother's apartment with the harshest look ever known in history. She was fuming.

Never once had she hated her brother.

Until now.

"Really? Really, Jordan?" Jacy's eyes were narrowed into near slits, "Are you kidding me?"

"J, hear him out." Jordan glanced between his sister and father, unsure of what else he could say.

"No, no I don't think so. Goodnight."

"Jacy." Jordan grabbed her arm, but not forcefully. "Please."

"Don't you dare," she lowly said, her eyes dead set on his. "Don't you dare take his side."

"I don't-"

"Save it," Jacy stopped her father from interrupting them. "I'm leaving."

Senator Parrish, called Richard only by Olivia and his manager, stood. He cleared his throat, "Jacy-"

"Don't. You are so not allowed. I am done with your shit." Jacy felt she was about to explode like a grenade with its pin pulled. "Why are you still here? Why are you so set on sticking around when your ass hasn't see us or made an effort in years? Years. And you know what? I was happy with it. Can't you tell I don't want you in my life?"

"Jacy, calm down."

"Don't!" Jacy shouted through clenched teeth at her brother, "Please don't choose him over me."

"You're both my family. I shouldn't have to choose."

Jacy felt like she'd been shot, "He is not family. He's a monster."

"Really, because you're the one who-"

She gave her father a furious glare, "May I speak to you alone?"

"Are you going to punch me again?" Richard asked, an eyebrow lifted.

"Are you going to be an ass again?" she retorted, her arms crossed and her words bitter.

"You've got a bit of a mouth on you, don't you?" Senator Parrish replied in a condescending tone.

"Oh, fuck you. Do you want to talk or not?" Without waiting for a reply, she left the apartment and went to the hall.

Jordan rubbed the back of his neck a little, Richard following Jacy out. "I guess I'll start on dinner, then."

"Is this necessary?"

"You don't mention any of this to Jordan." Jacy ignored his comment. "You have no right to be here and much less to try to act as a parent."

"What are you, Jacy?" Richard lowered his voice, "Your eyes weren't purple before. How the hell-"

"You haven't been around in a long time. You don't know anything about me anymore."

"What are you?"

"I'm a werewolf." Jacy cornered her father, his back against the wall. "And I'm also what I was before, a clairvoyant like Jordan used to be."

"Used to be?"

"See? You've been gone a long time," Jacy replied. "Something happened to Jordan, we don't know what, but he's no longer clairvoyant. Also, I took his memory away so he's only slightly suspicious of the supernatural but doesn't actually know anything about it."

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