Sixty-Three || Daddy Dearest

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|| Daddy Dearest

The next morning, Coach came out of his office into the locker room. "All right," he said in his announcer voice, "now I know the start of the season bonfire, it's a big deal for you guys. I also know it gets out of hand sometimes. The alumni know it gets out of hand sometimes. The alumni show up, there's other teams, and alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol."

Most of the boys let out a cheer, whistling at the idea of utter drunkness. All except for Scott and Liam.

"All right!" Coach called over the cheers, "Shut up! Now what I don't understand is why anybody would ever want to get stumbling down drunk in front of a massive open fire." Finstock ignored the grins on his players' faces, "I'm also resigned to not being able to stop you guys." He rolled his eyes as another cheer errupted in the locker room. "I'll also remind you, your team captain, McCall, will be there. And I can count on him to narc on any and every one of these little bastards. Get back to class."

Scott stuck around as the others started to filter out, able to sense the distress radiating off Liam. He shifted, his phone ringing in his pocket. Spotting Jacy's contact, he answer the call. "Hey Jacy."

Liam, unsettled from the night before, left the locker room in Scott's moment of distraction.

Scott, looking up only when his beta, was alreday gone, he didn't rush out the door and instead stayed. "Are you at the school?" he asked into the phone as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, listen, I need to show you something." Jacy's voice was a little off from normal, something putting her at unrest.

"Where are you?" he asked as he got up from leaning on a locker cage.

"Second floor, computer lab."

"What are you doing up there?" Scott questioned as he started to leave the locker room.

"I'll explain in a minute, just get up here."

Scott pocketed his phone once Jacy ended the call, making his way up the staircase towards the small window before going in and finding only the ghost wolf inside. "Hey, what's going on?"

Jacy was sat in the back corner computer, waving him over.

"Why are you in here?" asked Scott as he maneuvered his way back to Jacy.

Jacy, with her hair done half up half down and in a maroon crop sweater with a black skirt, still seemed off. "Two things. Stiles just texted me saying they cracked Lorraine's code." She angled the computer screen to show a list of unfamiliar names. "They're gonna go see who they are - Jordan's already waiting for them."

"And the second thing?" he wondered aloud as he sat in the rolling chair next to Jacy.

"These." Jacy pulled free a stack of papers from the shoulder bag she had resting on the floor.

Scott hesitantly took the stack, looking over the top page. His eyebrows came together, "What is this?"

"I'm not really sure, to be honest." She absently messed with one of her thigh high black socks, softly shaking her head. "I woke up last night to Stiles' printer going off. It turned on by itself and papers kept falling out. All of them looked like this - some with his name crossed and some without."

"Did you tell him about this?" asked Scott as he leafed through the stack. "Does he know?"

"I - I," Jacy made an exasperated noise, "I don't even know if it's real or if it's someone trying to scare me."

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