Twenty-One || Magic Hair

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|| Magic Hair

Jacy sat in the window, watching the snow fall in soft flurries. She had her chin rested in her palms, a blanket around her shoulders despite the fact she was too distracted to be cold.

Maybe it was because it was miraculously snowing in California, or that it was Christmas Eve.

Today was the day.

"How are you feeling?" Allison was behind Jacy, sitting down on the sofa in the room.

"Like it's a bad idea to be in this town." Jacy was completely unphased, a flat expression on her face.

"It's aways a bad idea to be in this town," the fallen huntress remarked. "Is there something particular about today that makes it worse?"

"There's something happening, Al." Jacy sat up, her voice soft but dismal. "Something bad. I can feel it."

Allison knew, "Time's up?"

"Time's up."

"Is it Stiles?" Allison looked to the christmas tree fully decorated, missing the holidays with her own family.

Jacy shook her head, "No." She told the ghost about Boyd without turning away from the window. "And now, it happened to Erica. I woke up feeling my neck break. I imagine I won't be getting sick, either."

"So, question is, who's kidnapping the ghosts?"

"Allison, maybe our time's been up for a while. Stiles was a ploy, or simply a distraction. Erica and Boyd are missing, and they're dead." Jacy shut her eyes, her usual eyeliner not applied today.

"And you think I'm next, don't you?"

"I want to stop this before anything happened to you or anyone else." She toyed at a fallen wave of hair. "But I have to wake up Stiles and Kira's dad wants me to banish the nogitsune into oblivion and," she sighed, running her fingers against her temples, "and my dad is trying to convince me to move back to Michigan."

"Move? Jacy, you can't leave, "Allison quickly said, flooded with concern.

"I know. There's no chance I'm leaving if I can help it." She was too involved here.

Beacon Hills had taken her for its own.

Allison spotted the Christmas card that had been ripped in half, it unlovingly tossed by the foot of the tree. Standing up, she picked the two halves and held them together.

The handwriting was neat and small, done by someone well versed in writing letters.


Merry Christmas. I hope California is faring you well even though it isn't doing me much good. They're against me on the vote. I'm thinking of running a new campaign, in which you could possibly be an asset. I knew we've had our differences, but I'm highly recommending you come back to Michigan. Enclosed is your Christmas present. Please consider my offer.

-Senator Parrish

Allison looked a little horrified, turning towards Jacy. "This is a Christmas card from you father?"

"When he signs it 'Senator Parrish' I don't think he counts as my dad." Jacy held the crumpled check behind her, knowing Allison was behind her.

Allison curiosly flattened out the rectangle and when she saw, her mouth hung open. "Are you kidding? This is your gift?"

"It's a bribe, not a gift."

"Ten." Allison didn't believe it. "Ten thousand dollars. It's one hell of a bribe."

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