Fifty-Seven || Because I Know You

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|| Because I know You

Jacy felt submerged underwater as she sat on the edge of the ambulance with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

Deputy Parrish constantly glanced over to Jacy as he worked, gathering information outside of the music store that was sure to shut down with its owner now dead.

The store was marked off with yellow tape, deputies taking care of the crime scene.

To most, it didn't make sense how a teenage girl snapped a grown man's neck.

To those who knew her strength, it was the easiest and cleanest way for Jacy to have killed Darren.

Sheriff Stilinski wheeled the gurney by, looking over to Jacy before passing off Darren's body. "Jacy?" he softly asked as he walked up to her.

Jacy seemed to stare off into the distance, not fully reacting to her boyfriend's father. Her body tensed as a hand touched her shoulder, eyes going up to Stilinski.

Stilinski wanted to ask if she was all right, but in the situation it didn't seem reasonable. He knew she wasn't and so did she.

"Stiles is on his way," the sheriff told her. "After he called me at the station when he heard the attack, he got stuck in a traffic jam."

Jacy only lightly nodded, "Okay." Her words were void of feeling and barely audible.

" was self defense."

"I know," she replied distantly as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Roscoe screeched to a halt, Stiles slamming the door as he ran to the yellow tape. He ducked under, only able to find Jordan. "Parrish, Parrish where is she?"

"Come here," Jordan took Stiles' shoulder and guided him past the shop front to the two ambulances on the street. "There."

Stiles quickly passed the deputy and skidded to a stop in front of the brunette wrapped in a shock blanket. "Jace, Jace."

The Sheriff gave Jacy's shoulder a light squeeze before leaving the two.

Stiles had worry skimming his complexion as he put a hand caringly on her cheek. "Hey," he softly said, "look at me, J."

Jacy's eyes slowly lifted, meeting his. A few more tears fell over her waterline, tracing down her face. "I killed him, Stiles."

He wrapped his arms around Jacy, able to feel her weight shift to lean forward on his chest. "It's okay."

"It's not," Jacy whispered back. "It's not okay." She lifted her head, looking at Stiles through misty eyes. "I killed Darren. I, I killed him with my bare hands."

"Jacy, he didn't give you a choice." Stiles looked at her, holding her hair, every inch of him wanting to convince her that she wasn't a bad person.

"I could've-"

"Hey, Jace, stop." He wiped away the tears staining her cheeks. "Listen to me. He didn't give you a choice. I heard the call, I know what happened. I called my dad on the landline and told him to get to Darren's, but I heard your conversation. I'll tell anyone who needs to know what was said and I'll make sure they know you did it only because you had to."

"I broke his neck with my hands, Stiles. I felt his bones break and I saw the light l-leave his eyes. I did that. I made the spark in his brain burst out in half a second." Jacy covered her mouth, feeling like the whole world was collapsing in on her.

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