Twenty-Nine || Possible Impossibilities

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|| Possible Impossibilities

"Mom, don't wake him." Deputy Parrish grabbed the arm of Doctor Dane outside of Jacy's room in the special care unit of BH Memorial.

Olivia glanced over Jordan's shoulder to the window with the blinds just barely open. "God, she just got a boyfriend and this had to happen to her."

"She'll be okay, and Stiles isn't going anywhere."

"Figuratively or literally?" Olivia asked with an arched brow, smiling lightly as she retreated back to her office.

Jordan took his post again, guarding Jacy's room like he had with Stiles when they found his accident to be attempted murder.

Drifting wasn't the only thing the new couple had in common. They'd both been recently attacked with murderous intentions.

"Deputy Parrish?"

Jordan glanced down the hall, a figure with dark hair coming towards him. His eyes widened, recognizing the owner of the voice at once. "Allison?"

The huntress quickly came down the empty hall, a relived look on her face. "Oh, my god. Aiden, he-"

"I know." Parrish made sure there was no one around. He dangled the necklace he'd gotten from Stiles, "Aiden didn't get through. I imagine he passed through to purgatory."

"Not that I'm not glad, but why didn't it work?" She stopped, "Why are we in the hospital? I thought of someone who could hear me and I showed up here."

"Aiden didn't get through because he, um," Jordan looked over his shoulder before continuing on, "he nearly killed Jacy."

Allison's expression changed to worry, "He what?"

"You can go in but she and Stiles are both asleep. I don't blame them, it's two in the morning."

Allison almost didn't want to go in. "What did he do to her?"

"He scratched her. His claws went really deep. She's been unconscious since it happened." Jordan opened the door quietly, revealing the dully coloured room.

"They look so peaceful," Allison softly said, looking in on Jacy and Stiles both fast asleep. Clutched lightly, Jacy's hand was still in his.

"It's only temporary in this town." It was evident he didn't like seeing her like this. "I have to wait outside," he said in hopes of not disturbing Stiles. "but you can stay. She'll want to know you're all right once she wakes up."

Allison nodded, letting Jordan close her in with Jacy and Stiles. She grabbed a blue blanket from a small stack on the window ledge, it seeming to float in the air all on its own. Laying it down, she covered the sarcastic boy who had been a best friend to her.

Stiles stirred lightly, welcoming the blanket and snuggling into it the best he could from his stretched out position in the chair.

Allison smiled, walking around to the other side of Jacy, admiring how nice she looked despite everything. "You know what they say about scratches from a werewolf?" She asked no one in particular. "If they go deep enough-"

"It can turn you."

Allison quickly snapped her head up, a groggy Stiles starting to open his eyes. "Stiles, can you-"

"Oh, holy shit." Stiles' sleepiness drained, his eyes wide as he started to sit up.

"You can see me?" Her sudden smile fell. "Stiles, why can you see me?"

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