Fourty-Nine || Don't Swerve

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|| Don't Swerve

"That's...concerning." Stiles idly looked at the laptop in the study of the Martin lake house, running a hand along his jaw. He looked over to Jacy, "I mean, you can teleport?"

The three girls in the room groaned, equally annoyed.

"Stiles, this is seriously not the time. This is a deadpool." Jacy was leaned behind Lydia, the strawberry blonde at the desk. "All of you are on it, even a few people I don't recognize. The Walcotts are there."

"You're not," Kira noticed.

Jacy's eyebrows furrowed, "You're right. Those numbers..."

"Where's Scott?" Lydia looked up to Jacy, still questioning how she knew to put Allison as the keyword.

"With Liam," Stiles replied. He ruffled his hair, "This is insane. A week, a week, of nothing and that's all we got. Now we go back to the crazy. Fantastic."

"You don't think this is tied to the vault robbery? The Hale Vault, I mean." Kira crossed her arms over her chest, staring down her name.

"It has to be," Jacy softly said. "Allison was the key?"

"Her name cracked the code," Lydia nearly whispered.

"I, uh, I have to go, I'll be back in a bit." Jacy backed up, giving Stiles a soft nod before disappearing downstairs.

With the party dwindling down, only the really drunk ones lingered.

"Ayeee! Wazzup Jacy person from my history class!"

Jacy lifted an eyebrow, a blonde laid out on the couch. "Hi. Wait," she said as she glanced around, "are you a junior? I thought only freshmen were here."

"It's whatever." The girl shrugged, clearly out of it. "I'm actually a sophomore."

"Why are you in my history class then?" Jacy asked as she came down the last step. Running a hand through her hair casually, the color strip showing.

"I'm smart."

"At that moment, I beg to differ. You're drunk on a couch at a high school party."

"Is that where I am?" She laughed, "I'm kidding, I know where I am. Not really drunk, either."

Jacy rose an eyebrow, "So, you're acting drunk?"

"It's more fun." She moved the passed out person off of her before standing up. "I'm Liz. We've never talked before. I think I borrowed a pencil from you once though."

Jacy shook her hand, something strange in their exchange. "Nice to meet you. I've gotta go, but, uh, I'll see you in Yukimura's." Side stepping, she left the lake house. She furrowed her eyebrows, glancing behind her. Shaking it off, she went on towards the woods. "You told Lydia, didn't you? How did you know?"

Allison was leaned around a tree, her back to Jacy. She held out her hand behind her, "Come look at this, J."

Jacy took Allison's hand, it cool to the touch. She peered around a tree, seeing a bearded man pulling up emitters.

"That's him," Allison said with a big smile. "That's my dad."

A contagious smile hit Jacy, "That's amazing, Al. Do you want to talk to him? I could get you through to him."

Allison stopped Jacy, gripping her hand tighter. "No, wait. Not yet."

Jacy looked over to her, "Not yet?"

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