Seventy-Three || You & Me

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|| You & Me

Jacy sat quietly sat on the window seat in the living room, staring out on the street lit dimly by a dull lamp.

The world was asleep on her side of the planet, but she couldn't bring herself to close her eyes.

She leaned forward, blowing on the window to fog the glass. She absently traced through it, breathing on it again to make the smiley face vanish.

Jacy rested her forehead against the cold glass, able to see Roscoe sitting in the driveway.

A collar jingled, Aaron coming into the living room. She barked lightly, pulling her owner's attention.

"Hi, honey," said Jacy quietly to the ever growing pup. "Didn't want to keep Stiles company?"

"She was actually showing me where you were."

Jacy looked up, finding Stiles in the doorway. She smiled softly at the boy in pjs, "Hey."

Stiles gave a lightly greeting back, walking over to the window seat and taking the spot next to her. He brushed a wave of hair behind her ear, "What's going on, Jace?"

"I'm just not tired right now," she told him.

"What about tomorrow? If we're going to Mexico, you'll need rest-"

"I've had enough for now, Stiles." She shifted from the window, instead facing Stiles.

Stiles hesitated, his hands resting on her thighs. "Where were you?"

"I...I don't really know, to be honest." Jacy looked out the window despite Stiles being right there with her. "I felt like I was underground, or - or underwater. Everything was muffled, but Allison was with me. We couldn't talk, but I knew she was there because we were holding hands."

"You were linked," Stiles said, "just like you were here."

"But it felt like I got ripped from her," said Jacy. "I couldn't keep my grip on her. It just kept slipping until I came up."

Stiles couldn't imagine what it had been like, but it gave him chills. "But we got both of you back," he said. "You're both here."

"I know," she replied distantly.

"If you don't want to go to Mexico-"

"Stiles," she interrupted, "I'm going with. You could use me; I do have claws. Anyway, I'll go crazy if I stay here. I want to help get Scott and Kira back."

"Only if you're sure."

Jacy lightly smiled, putting a hand on his cheek. She traced her thumb along the groove of his cheekbone, distracted by his face like she often could be.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows despite smiling. unsure of what she was thinking. He put a hand on top of hers, squeezing lightly. "What is it?"

"I was worried I'd never see you again," Jacy said almost voicelessly.

"I'll always be here," Stiles assured. "It's you and me, Jace."

Jacy bit back a smile, "You and I."

Stiles cracked a grin, "Only technically."

Jacy laughed, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his warmly. "It's always technicalities with you."


"You are not going to Mexico," Sheriff Stilinski hissed as he shut himself and his son into his office at the station.

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