Thirty-Four || Mexi-noh

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|| Mexi-noh

Jacy mumbled in her sleep, slowly pulling away from her dreams as she stirred under the covers. Opening her eyes and blinking in the sunlight, she found herself not to be the only one in the bed.

Stiles smiled a little sheepishly, Jacy in the crook of his arm. "Morning."

"Hi." She flushed, remembering the night before. "What time is it?" She tilted her head up to see him, cuddling in to him a bit more.

Stiles played with the fabric of his shirt that was on her, "About seven."

"Did my mom...?"

"Yeah, but I heard her. I had enough time to sneak back over to the couch," he said. "That was a couple hours ago before she went to work."

"You came back over here though?"

"See, as comfortable as that couch is, I spent about a month watching you fall asleep in this bed alone. I didn't want that to keep happening."

Jacy smiled, an arm over his torso. She absently drew patterns on his bicep with her fingers. "I like that answer."

"Me too. Took me three hours to think of." Stiles laughed when she narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

A soft silence passed them, a calmness to their lives that wouldn't last long.

"Hey, Stiles?"

Stiles turned his head, kissing her temple. "Yeah?"

"We're going to Mexico today."

"Yeah, I guess we are."


"Are you sure about this?" The Jeep rumbled along a seemingly endless road, Stiles glancing over to Jacy.

They passed a checkmark, a border warning sign shooting panic through Kira, Scott, Lydia and Stiles. Everyone but Jacy seemed to be close to losing their shit.

"We'll be fine." Jacy had taken the front, having to give the directions to get to the Calaveras. "Just, know what we're doing."

Scott hesitated, "What are we doing again?"

"We're doing a research project on food differentials of small towns to big cities to see if they match those of America's culture." Jacy took in the looks of her friends, "Food trip for our nutrition class."

They hesitantly nodded, able to trust Jacy with her ability to lie so well.

"We're not coming into the country illegally. We don't have anything to worry about."

"Except when we cross the border and get to where we need, then we have a lot of things to worry about," Scott interjected. "Seeing as they're professional monster hunters."

"And not to mention four out of five of us are supernaturals," Lydia said. "So, that does make us all slightly terrified."

"We pay for Derek and we leave with him. That's the plan. We only fight if we have to," Jacy told them, the border not too far off. "Just cool off and be calm. We don't want to look suspicious. Pretend to sleep, Kira. You're the worst at lying."

"Yeah, that's fair." Kira gave her passport over to Lydia before adjusting herself and closing her eyes.

"Just let me do most of the talking, okay?" Jacy said, the Jeep slowing to get to border control.

"Are we going to address my katana in the trunk?" Kira asked, her eyes still shut as she leaned on the window.

"Let's just hope they don't search the car," Lydia mumbled, the Jeep being stopped by a man in uniform.

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