Fourty-Seven || Be A Vixen

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|| Be A Vixen

"Jacy. Jaaaacy."

Still shrouded in sleep, Jacy mumbled as Stiles nudged her shoulder. "Five more minutes."

"Jace, come on we have to get to school early to catch Liam."

"He was dangled over a building, bitten and kidnapped by the one who did it. Would you come to school after that?" Jacy pulled the covers up over her face, finding Stiles' bed much more comfortable than her own.

Stiles, already dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans, pulled down the comforter from Jacy's face. "J, it's a full moon tonight."

Jacy opened her eyes, finding Stiles sitting next to her.

"Maybe he'll turn, so we have to try to knock sense into him before it happens."

"It's my first full moon, too," Jacy softly said. And with that, she pulled the covers back over her head.

"Hey, hey, come on," Stiles tried. Able to see her outline under the comforter, he pushed up his sleeves before mercilessly tickling Jacy's sides.

Jacy squealed, immediately going into defensive mode. She flipped Stiles over, him pinned down underneath her.

Stiles grinned, pushing hair from her face. "Good morning, Sunshine."

"I hate you," Jacy flicked his forehead before begrudgingly climbing off of him.

Stiles propped himself up, watching Jacy walk across the room in one of his tshirts and her own flannel bottoms. "You're kind of violent in the mornings."

Jacy threw a shirt at him, catching him looking at her ass. "Watch it, Stilinski."

"I'm just admiring the view," Stiles said with a grin.

Jacy rolled her eyes, taking her bag into the bathroom. Setting it on the lid of the toilet, she unzipped it.

"Hey, so I got some backup for you tonight," said Stiles through the door.

Jacy lifted an eyebrow, hearing chains rattle as she put on a black crop top and a red high waisted skirt. "I hope you're kidding."

"It's just for the night. We're going out to Lydia's lake house," Stiles told her. "If you don't feel any difference when the moon comes out, you don't even have to put them on."

Jacy sighed but agreed as she slipped on socks before putting on her black heeled ankle boots. "What about Liam?"

"We haven't figured that out yet."

Leaning forward, she winged eyeliner and followed with mascara. "He's not going to be happy about this, you know." She tamed her hair, it in natural waves. Opening the door, she gave Stiles a look. "You do realize he probably called the cops."

"And if so, they would've called him crazy. We're fine."

Jacy rolled her eyes as she brushed her teeth. Quickly finishing, she zipped her toothbrush into her bag and brought it out of the bathroom. "I was trying to make sure this kid had a good first few weeks at school, Stiles."

"Okay, well he was being a cocky little shit-"

"You didn't have to get his ankle broken, though." Jacy crossed her arms, Stiles coming to stand in front of her. "He's a good kid, just slightly better at lacrosse."

"Hey, that hurts." Stiles wrapped his arms around her waist, the chains sitting on the bed.

Jacy spotted them over his shoulder, her hands resting loosely around his neck. "Do we really have to use chains? It seems incredibly suggestive."

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