Fourty-Eight || Very Evil

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|| Very Evil

Jacy sat on the hood of Stiles' Jeep, he and Lydia leaned on the side of it as they waited outside of the Martin lake house.

The brown eyed girl looked up to the sky, the moon staring her back in its full glory.

Stiles glanced over, "Anything, Jace?"

"Not a thing," she replied. "Not a damn thing and it's already full. I'm telling you, I have control."

"We'll still go to the basement just to make sure," Stiles told her as Scott rode up on his dirtbike.

Scott put down his kickstand and tugged off his helmet. "I just talked to Kira. She's on her way. She said it's all going fine."

"No, it's not that," Stiles stood in front of Scott, "I have to tell you something. I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school."

Scott sighed, "This is going to be bad, isn't it?"

"He kinda got into it with on of his teachers," Stiles pulled up a picture on his phone. "And, uh, the kid's got some serious anger issues."

Scott looked surprised, "How serious?"

"Well," he handed over his phone, "that was his teacher's car, after he took a crowbar to it."

"If you ask me," Jacy said from her spot on top of the Jeep, "anger issues are one of the worst things a wolf can have."

Scott rubbed his jaw, "He might be harder to restrain."

Jacy hopped down from the Jeep and stood next to Lydia. "Oh, he will be."

Scott glanced behind him, "I hear her car, let's get inside."

Partially frozen in her skirt, Lydia agreed and led the way. "Just don't let him wreck the place, okay? That's all I ask."

Stiles grabbed the chains for Jacy, taking them into the house behind Scott. Setting them on the glass table, he stood at the end of the line that had formed as Kira's car pulled up.

"I hope this goes well," Scott mumbled as Kira rambled out the worst excuse to Liam.

Liam pushed open the door, walking in a few steps before understanding. Looking back to Kira, she only closed the door and apologized. Turning back to the four waiting for him, Liam radiated off annoyance. "What the hell is this?"

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles offered. "You have a problem, Liam."

Scott slightly stepped forward, "And we're the only ones that can help."

Liam looked to Jacy, "Not you too, Jacy."

She lightly nodded, "Sorry, Dunbar."

"Look, this is going to seem like a lot, but you've got to listen." Scott took hold of the explaining, needing to be blunt about it. "Remember what you saw on the night I bit you, on the roof? Sean? His eyes were glowing and he had a lot of sharp teeth. He's called a wendigo-"

Liam rolled his eyes, "You're kidding me with this, right?"

"Hear us out," Jacy said.

"Fine," Liam crossed his arms as he spoke. "But I want you to do it."

Jacy exchanged a look with Scott, getting a nod. "Okay, you know how I was in the hospital when you moved here? And how your dad was surprised I was out when I was?"

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