Twenty-Eight || The Return

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|| The Return

Stiles remained in the waiting room, Scott, Kira and Lydia all there with him. For three hours he'd been sitting there in silence with his leg bouncing nervously.

No matter what any of his friends tried to say, nothing was making him feel better.

Doctor Dane came out to them, a strange look on her face. "Stiles," she softly said, "could you come with me?"

Stiles nearly jumped, hastily getting up and barely looking back to Scott as he followed Jacy's mom. "What is it? Is she okay?"

"It's hard to tell." Olivia's professional facade had been slipping away. "She lost a lot of blood. The cuts, they went really deep. I'm only getting information relayed to me because I'm not allowed to be her doctor and her mother."

"Do you," Stiles nearly choked on his own words, "do you think she'll make it?"

"We don't know yet, but," Olivia stopped Stiles in the special until he'd been kept in for nearly a month, "she's a strong girl. She's survived a lot."

"She told me about the swimming accident."

"It wasn't an accident," Olivia said, acting as if she hadn't just wiped a stray tear from her face. "And neither was this, was it?"

Stiles shook his head, "No, it wasn't."

"Jordan is in there but I know Jacy would want you there too." Dr. Dane sniffed just barely, "She had surgery to close up the wounds but it was hard. She's still unconscious, but we've got her stabilized for the moment."

"For the moment?"

Olivia looked sadly at Stiles, "She could change any given second. Just, go ahead and go in."

Stiles slowly opened the door, Jordan looking up from his spot next to the bed.

His eyes stuck to Jacy, feeling as if they had swapped places.

He understood why she felt so helpless.

"How is she on her back?" Machines whirred around them, i.v's hooked up to Jacy. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Her morphine is on high." Jordan looked tired, having sat there panic stricken for hours. "Incredibly high."

Jacy was paler than usual, if that was even possible. All of her makeup was gone and her hair was softly lying over her shoulders in waves. 

    She looked peaceful.

"Have you, uh, have you seen-"

Deputy Parrish shook his head, "She's not drifting."

"Oh, thank God." Stiles went around to the other side of Jacy, sitting down.

"She should wake up, it just may not be tonight."

Stiles hadn't noticed at first, but Jordan had his sister's hand in his. "You were with her, right?"

"Sort of." He ran his hand through his hair before speaking, "I came in when it happened. It was a ghost - it was Aiden."

"Aiden?" Jordan furrowed his eyebrows, "But-"

"I don't get it either," Stiles said. "Honestly, I was hoping you would."

"Ghosts can touch us, but when werewolves die and don't pass on, they can't use claws. They're not even able to shift."

"Well," Stiles watched Jacy softly breathing, "that's not the case."

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