Fourty-Five || Family Murdering Axe Murderer

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|| Family Murdering Axe Murderer

The next morning Jacy leaned on the wall opposite of the door to the boys' locker room, her arms crossed over her Joy Division tee and her ears perked.

"What circus act?"

Stiles' voice came through, "You caught every shot."

Liam's recognizable voice hinted with confusion. "I was in goal."

"Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got passed you."

"Yeah, I was the goalie. You guys played this game before?"

Jacy grinned to herself, tapping the heel of her ankle boots on the floor as she listened.

Scott's voice came next, "You're a freshman, right?" He got a 'yeah' without much heart.

"But you weren't here last semester," Stiles observed.

"I transferred from Devenford Prep."

Jacy, like Scott, heard the change in Liam's heartbeat.

"You transferred?" Scott questioned, "No, you got kicked out, didn't you?"

Liam hesitated, "All right, look. Kicked out, transferred, what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players, right?"

Immediately Stiles said no. "No, we don't need anymore good players."

"Actually, we could sort of use a couple," Scott admitted, nonverbally meaning replacements for Jackson and Isaac.

"Okay, how'd you get this good?" Stiles didn't give up, "Have you always been this good? Or did it just suddenly happen once overnight? Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods on the night of a full-"


"Jesus, could you be more blunt?" Jacy asked aloud, nearly running in there herself to shut Stiles up.

"Look," Liam thankfully didn't catch on, "I learned from my stepfather, all right? He made team captain when he was a sophomore. Like you."

"Aw, Captain Crush, Scotty."

"And, yeah," Liam said. "I guess I'm just that good."

Jacy looked down at her nails, painted pale blue. "He wasn't lying that time."

Liam surfaced from the locker room, shooting Jacy a strange look, "Hey."

She lightly smiled in return. "Hey, Liam." She hesitated, "This probably looks really strange but I'm just waiting for Stiles."

"Yeah...uh, is he okay. Like, mentally?"

Jacy laughed, "I ask myself that all the time."

Liam was still a little weirded out by his interrogation. "Well, see you later."

"Bye." Jacy gave a light wave, crossing her arms again.

"Captain Crush?" Scott was the first out the door, already aware Jacy was there.

"Oh, come on. That 'like you' was adorable." Jacy rose off the wall when Stiles came out, him grabbing her waist practically on impulse.

"How do you know him, again?" Scott questioned, the trio going down the hall that smelled like death from all of the sweaty boys that inhabited it.

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