Fourty-One || So Cute It's Disgusting

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|| So Cute It's Disgusting

"So, our current situation is that Peter got robbed, no longer teenage Derek has gold eyes, we got our asses handed to us by bone men and Kate is nowhere to be seen."

Stiles stood in front of his friends, pacing as the group was lounging around Jacy's living room. They were 'studying' for a history test for the next day but they'd not really been too dead set on learning about D-Day.

Jacy, Kira and Scott all nodded, Lydia doing the same.

"So, basically, we're going to be paranoid until something does actually happen." Stiles sharply ran his hands over his hair, letting out a tense breath.

"That's how it works," Scott half heartedly said. "Wishing for peace, paranoia when we have it."

"Beacon Hills in a nutshell," Jacy said, flipping a pen between her fingers. She'd not been in the best mood since her father had come into town. She was still making an effort to ignore his presence.

"I just, I have a really bad feeling. It's like whatever's coming is going to be really lethal." Stiles paced, relentless about it.

"Isn't that the feeling we always have?" Lydia pulled at the end of her braid, bored and in no need to study. "It's kind of a the feeling that everyone has in this place?"

"This is different."

"Different how?" Stiles sat down in the arm chair near Jacy, taking her shoulders and pulling her back.

Jacy held onto his hands, her back against the chair he was in. "Like, really bad, Scott?"

Scott nodded, "Really bad."

"I mean," Stiles pondered, "lacrosse is coming up soon..."

"I'm being serious, Stiles. I feel like it isn't going to end well for us."

Jacy flinched a little, a feminine voice in her ears that no one but she could hear. It'd been a recurrance since she'd become a wolf but she kept shoving it down.

There was too much to deal with.

"Then we fight if something happens," Kira said. "That's what we do, isn't it?"

"Hell, I'm always up for a fight," Jacy replied, her head rested on Stiles' knees. "If it means protecting our families and our town, I'll do anything."

"I agree, just," Scott was struggling to find the right words, "I don't know. Maybe it will do more damage."

"Nothing can do more damage than last fall," Stiles said. "Not with eveything we lost."

"I think that's a load of shit," Allison mumbled from her leaned position against the wall.

Jacy glanced back to Stiles, seeing he'd reacted like she had. She stood up, clearing her throat. "Stiles, would you help me in the kitchen, please?" She left the living room, passing the foyer and going into the kitchen.

Stiles' heartbeat had gone up a notch as he followed, running his palms together. "Everything okay, Jace?"

Jacy turned on the water faucet, leaning on the counter with an off put look. "Were you going to tell me you were seeing ghosts?"

Stiles hesitated, "Look, J, it's sort of been Hell. We haven't exactly had down time or time off to talk."

"How long?"

"When you were healing in the hospital. Allison came...I could see and talk to her like she was actually there." Stiles stood across from her, the running sink between them.

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