Seventy-Five || Mexi-noh, Dos

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|| Mexi-noh, Dos

The sun had fallen as the two cars made their way through Mexico, the border tricked by a US Marshall.

The Toyota led the pack, its occupants only two.

Jacy sat in the passenger's seat, shooting Jordan a text. She looked over to Peter, the wolf having ignored her for nearly the entire ride.

The only time they'd been civil was at the border when Peter pretended to be Jacy's stepfather to get through to Mexico.

Peter felt her eyes on him, a flat expression on his face. "What?"

"How do you know where to go?"

Peter shifted slightly, "I mapped it before we came."

"There's a google maps route to the abandoned temple of Tezcatlipoca?" she retorted in question with nothing but doubt in her voice.

"They have google maps for everything." Peter drove on, their surroundings lit only by the moon and headlights.

"How about to the sewers?" Jacy asked nonchalantly. She tilted her head towards Peter, suddenly glaring. "Can you google map that?"

"Why do you ask?" Peter held an underlying tone of knowing exactly what she meant.

"No reason," she said in response.

Peter didn't know Chris made it out.

The once alpha continued on the path that had supposedly come from google, glaring over at Jacy as they neared the Church. "You worried about Stiles?"

"I'm always worried about Stiles," Jacy admitted as she stared out the window. "But I'm worried about everyone."

"Jacy, have you ever thought about what's going to happen when we get to Kate?" he questioned curiously.

"We have to get through the berserkers to even get to her," Jacy replied, "but I guess not. She hasn't exactly been high on my priorities of worry."

"We'll have to go through Kate to get to Scott and Kira," Peter told her. "Trust me, it's going to get messy."

Jacy looked down to her hands, "We don't kill people, Peter."

Peter tried not to smirk too widely, "That's rich coming from you. How's that boss of yours?"

The clairvoyant sharply looked to Peter, "Don't think you're limited to one punch from me. I have plenty more for you."

Clearly, Peter didn't take it to heart. "Don't you think Scott would kill to save Kira?" He hesitated, "Would you? Kill to save Stiles?"

Jacy looked away, even though she knew the answer.

Of course she would.

Peter noticed Jacy looking out at the sky, "What is it?"

Jacy leaned back, "It's just the moon." She let go of a breath, affected unlike normal when it came to the close of a cycle.

"Good," he said rather darkly, "you'll need that power."


The darkness of the depths of La Iglesia was broken only by the light of the full moon.

Bloody and beaten, Kira rested against a wall of rock. She couldn't heal, she couldn't get Scott. She was alone.

"It's all right to cry."

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