Tag, You're It

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Alright, so this isn't an update but I'll put one up once I finish my chem lab reports

ok ok ok so I've been tagged like a shit ton so let's do this;

-Must post all rules

-Must tag 13 people

-Must answer questions from tagged an create questions for people you tag

-Tag backs are allowed (but i'll kill you if you try)

-Must finish is one week or else said tagger will remind you

So I've been tagged by three people so this might take a while. Thanks a lot losers

13 Facts About Me

- I'm naturally blonde but you'd never guess (i've been told by people i'd look weird as a blonde by ones who've never known it)

- I'm a dorky theatre kid (I'm currently in my school's production of Guys and Dolls)

- I've been Star Wars trash since I was 6

- I've lived back and forth between America and England since forever

- I've gotten the same Subway sandwich for 9 years straight and it's a weird as hell sub

- I'm a candidate for the US Air Force Academy class of 2021

- I watch SNL like a religion

- I kick ass at Dungeons & Dragons

- I write my Star Wars fic in a Kylo Ren notebook

- I know how to fly an plane

- There's a picture of me flying the Weasley's car on the mantle at my house (not even kidding)

- I'm learning Turkish

- I've been a vegetarian for almost 7 years

Questions via Sisihamideh

Batman or Superman?

Superman, totally.

Team Cap or Team Iron Man?

I'm kind of bias because my big ass red car is named Tony and I have an Iron Man air freshener (hint, I'm Team Tony)

If you could colour your hair a different colour, what would it be?

I already colour it to a dark brown but if I was bold enough, I'd probably do all over lilac.

Favourite superhero?

I want to say Loki, but that could bring up a debate on the fact that Loki is a villain. For actual, actual superheroes mine is probably Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver from AoU

Favourite Tv Show?

Teen Wolf, definitely.

Is Bucky a villain? (ooh shit you're trying to get me in a fight)


What is the first letter of your name?


Favourite song?

Crazy=Genius by Panic! At The Disco

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

I definitely love going back to England, but since I've been so many times I'll pick somewhere I've not been. I really want to go to Australia

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