Fifty-Nine || Slightly Less

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|| Slightly Less

As morning rose on Beacon, only hours after being found at the cabin, Jacy laid in her bed with blank eyes and a lack of expression.

Stiles, after exchanging words with Olivia, walked up to Jacy's room. He lightly knocked, lingering in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "Hey," he softly said in greeting.

Jacy lifted her eyes, curled in his hoodie as well as her comforter. "Hey," she lightly replied.

Having gone home to change once he'd gotten Jacy safe and free of wolfsbane, Stiles went into her room. He sat on the side of her bed, softly moving hair from her face. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," she quietly said.

Stiles rubbed her upper arm comfortingly, big, brown eyes on Jacy. "Have you slept since I left?"

"Maybe half of the hour you were gone," replied Jacy as she kept her head rested on her pillow but reached up and put her hand over the one Stiles had on her. "I want to sleep, but my body doesn't seem to want me to."

"Are you worried?" Stiles asked, in respects to why she thought she couldn't sleep.

"I'm..." Jacy glanced down, looking at nothing in particular, "lost."

Stiles shifted himself, laying down next to her. He propped his head up a little, the other arm snaking around her waist.

"We're all a little lost. Lost in the money, lost in the mass deaths. Lost" Jacy put her hand on the side of Stiles' face, tracing his cheek lightly. "Lost in who's good and who's bad."

"Jacy, you couldn't have known that your father would do something like that -"

"Maybe not, but I should have." Jacy swallowed uncomfortably, "I should have known, or at least suspected. It was my fault, too. I knew he hated my clairvoyancy but I only made it worse by showing him the wolf side of it."

"Hey, hey," Stiles softly comforted, "don't beat yourself up for this, okay? You can't control his actions."

"Now apparently no one can." Inferring Senator Parrish's disappearance from Beacon Hills, Jacy hated herself for the situation. "He'll show up in DC and carry on like nothing happened."

"Are you not filing against him?" Stiles asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There's no point. He's a high government official. His lawyers eat people for breakfast." Jacy absently played with his hair in a way she commonly did. "It was supernatural oriented and I'd end up in Eichen for the rest of my life."

"Does Jordan know?" he questioned Jacy. "Have you told him what happened?"

"No," Jacy said. "He wouldn't understand yet. He lost his clairvoyancy and he doesn't know about werewolves anymore."

"Did you ever figure out what happened to him?" Stiles ignored the buzz of his phone, more concerned about Jacy.

"No idea," said Jacy with a sigh. "The brand on his chest isn't something I recognized. He seems all right, for now at least." Her eyes fluttered, lingering towards closed. "What plan have you got set up for today?"

Stiles hesitated, "What makes you think there's a plan-" he quieted as he received a look from Jacy. "Okay, so maybe there is a plan."

"Do you need my help? I can -"

Stiles stopped her from trying to get out of bed, keeping her under the warm confines of her covers. I want you to rest, especially after everything that's happened."

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