4: Stubborn

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Hoseok hit his head on the table as he watched with empty eyes as the remaining servants packed their things.

He tried to convince the brunet but his every word backfired with more cruel words. In the end, he gave up and decided to take care of the other on his own. Moreover, Yu was there for them.

"He needs a nurse around him. Being stubborn will hurt him more. Why he can't understand that?" Yu sighed as the manager kept blabbering in pure worry.

"You know why he is doing so?" Yu asked in his usual calm and gentle voice.

"He is perplexed about what happened. Even though, he isn't showing, he is very much afraid and sad about it all. He must be finding it difficult to trust anyone."

"But they all worked here for longer, they are trusted ones." Yu shook his head and looked up at the other two males who were finally leaving.

"I guess, he never told you," Yu muttered and got up with the help of the table.

"Let me prepare something for him." Hoseok gaped in disbelief at what the other said but hit his head again when the reality dawned upon him.

All of the contracts were canceled by the companies, who were dying to sign the brunet and practically begged him to accept their offer. But, after hearing the news of his paralysis, they all flew out of the scenario and demanded their advance payment.

The actor signed so many cheques with his strained hand while scoffing at their behavior. They all couldn't even wait for a week or even for a few days till he got a bit better, and that made him more bitter.

Shaking his head, he dialed a contact and after an hour, a beautiful nurse was standing in the mansion.

"Where is the patient, sir." She politely asked and Hoseok just gestured her to the room, following her.

Taehyung was laying on the bed as Yu fed him and after taking medicines, told him to rest.

When the door of his room opened, he looked up with an irritated frown.

"Now, who is she?" Hoseok gulped on the tone.

"Hello, Mr. Kim. I'm Lee Yunha, your nurse." She butted in and introduced herself, a bit shy at the realization that her patient was none other than the famous Kim Taehyung.

But her smile vanished when the actor shoot up on the bed, hissing in pain at the sudden movements but still growling.

"I DON'T NEED ANYONE! GET OUT!" Poor nurse flinched badly at the tone.

"Mr. Kim-"

"Tell her to leave, Jung." Taehyung's clenched jaw made the manager do as told.

"You can't be like that, Kim. You need someone beside you all the time, more medical attention than ours." Taehyung rolled his eyes, chuckling in bitterness that made the manager sighed.

"Say it already, you are tired of me."

"What- Kim!" Taehyung frowned when the other snapped, totally taken aback by his words.

"There isn't any lie. You think, I'm useless now and can't earn money anymore with this body," The brunet gritted out, hitting his limp legs in fury.


"I'm not gonna beg you to stay here with me. You're free to go, go and have a better job." Hoseok gaped in disbelief at how the other let out the words so easily.

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