7: Duty

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

It was already morning when Taehyung groaned and opened his eyes. He was still in his room, curtains stopping the bright lights of the outside. The weather was very clear and bright after the rain from the last day.

When he moved his hand, a needle pierced through the skin at the back of his palm, which made him frown.

His mind was still hazy but he did remember bits of what happened.

He was trying to kill me.

The thought crossed his mind but he softly sighed, recalling the concerned tone as well. His fists clenched on the sheet, forgetting about the needle as well. It was the first time that someone other than Mr. Yu or Hoseok, barged into his room like that.

There was a storm going inside his mind and heart even when his body was suffering. Another sigh left his lips, body getting comfortable on the warm bed as he closed his eyes again, oblivious to the pair of dark eyes observing him each and every moment from a little distance.

The past 4 hours were like a nightmare for the raventte who did everything he never did before. After the paramedic announced the condition of the brunet, he decided to take him to the hospital, as the brunet was out cold.

But, at the same time, he made sure to return back as soon as possible after a proper check-up of the actor. And being lucky, everything happened as he thought. The reports were fine and the doctors said that the other was out of danger. In the end, he requested them to keep the visit confidential for some reason and they agreed to that as well.

They came back an hour ago and since then, he was sitting at a distance, staring at the sleeping brunet because he had to remove the IV from his hand once it was finished.

His eyes were slightly droopy but he kept his posture straight. After all, it was his duty.

It took more than 30 minutes after which the bag was empty and he quickly removed the pipe from the needle very carefully before removing the needle as well. Good thing, he remembered a few things from his basic nursing classes.

Assuming, that everything was fine now, he finally plopped on his cold bed, eyes closing instantly but he couldn't sleep. Those painful groans, that pale face, and still stoic tone were still haunting his mind. Why would someone be like that to himself? Why he was hurting himself?

There were many questions in his mind but he was unaware of the answers. Glancing at the clock, he cursed mentally as it was almost 10 am and he had to prepare breakfast for the other.

After spending some more time in the now warm bed, he got up half-heartily and took a shower to keep his eyes open when the tiredness was killing him.

Looking at the available ingredients, he decided to make some eggs for the other with toast while he ate some cereal.

Once he was done with breakfast, he went to the actor's room to find him still sleeping.

Huffing to himself, he walked back to the living room and plopped there to browse some apps. He was kind of immersed in the phone when the device vibrated in his hand, startling him a bit.

"Jeez! Hyung." Groaning softly, he accepted the call but regretted quickly the first question of the older.

"Hi, morning Kook. How is Taehyung?"

Jungkook closed his eyes, contemplating whether to tell the other or not. He was well aware of the older's nature. If he would tell him, he might come back right away.

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