45: Not ready

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Following the whole day, Jungkook was trying to get to the older but Taehyung was once again very silent, giving him no attention like he was really disturbed by something and the only thing that bugged him was the silver-haired model who visited them last evening.

"Baby, why are you so silent? Did I do something wrong?" Jungkook asked softly, trying to take hold of Taehyung's hands that were busy plucking the threads of his own woolen sweater.

"No, you didn't," The flat answer made the younger more frustrated but soon it turned into a sort of fear when Taehyung completed his words. "Or, did you?"

The tone was not only flat, but there was something hidden behind that, and as ever, Jungkook was feeling very bothered by that.

A soft chuckle left his lips, which was clearly fake because the situation didn't let him even smile genuinely. "Did I do something wrong, love?"

Even when he tried to lighten up the atmosphere, Taehyung seemed damn serious, no emotion crossed his eyes or his face as he made eye contact with him.

"I feel like you are hiding something from me." Jungkook was taken aback by the straightforwardness but at least, Taehyung was finally speaking instead of giving him the silent treatment.

"Oh, and what would I hide from my life? There is nothing to hide from you." With a small smile, he pressed more on the word 'what', feeling his heart jumping loudly in his chest when his mind reminded him of the things he had hidden behind his facade so far.

Taehyung kept staring at him with the same blank face, no word left his lips til he let his hand wrap around the other's and pulled him slightly so that he can hug. Jungkook, who was slightly bewildered by the previous inquiry, quietly followed the lead and let the warm embrace make him calm.

"I know you, you will never keep me in the dark." The words were like a whisper like the brunet was just saying that to himself, trying to believe in his own words but Jungkook heard it clearly.

Scooting closer to the older one, Jungkook wrapped his arms around his back as his face nuzzled the fluffy dark hair to sniff the calming scent. His heart felt utterly terrible for hiding such a huge truth from the older, but he wasn't ready to spill it now, not before he was sure of his safety. He can't just expose himself and go to jail, because the enemies of the person in his arms, were his enemies too. He would never leave Taehyung til he was assured of his safety.


At the night, Taehyung again requested to sleep early and Jungkook just helped him do so after giving him a shower. The clock struck 1 but Jungkook was not feeling a bit of sleep in his eyes like the peace had flown away from his body on the words of Taehyung.

That blank face, empty eyes, and flat tone were screaming that Taehyung felt something wrong around him, but what? That question was more irritating to him because he couldn't pinpoint it til now. One thing was sure, it was definitely related to that midget and he would not definitely leave him alone for sprouting something venomous to his baby.

When Taehyung was deep in sleep, Jungkook slowly but carefully slipped away from the bed and quietly moved out of the room. His mind was just continuously mocking him to get rid of the one person who created so much tension between them. For him, Jimin was the biggest threat, because he had seen the worst in those eyes, and deep down he was afraid of that.

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