12: Left alone

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The loud voice of the door closing made the brunet blink his eyes, which were still fixed on the spot where the raventte was standing a moment ago.

You deserve this all

You deserve this all

You deserve...

You caused it all!

It was your fault!

You're bad luck!

Shaky breaths left his slightly trembling lips but he was quick to take hold of his emotions. This shouldn't be like that, it wasn't like he heard something like that for the first time, but unfortunately, it hurts the same years ago.


He spat to no one specific but deep down, he was thinking of directing the words to the certain raventte, who was very much present in the other room.

"I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME ANYTHING! JUST GET LOST!" The brunet seethed, throwing his pillow on the door that just went to the wall instead, doing no harm.

"You're just a servant here and look at your attitude! I don't want you anyway near my house! DO YOU HEAR THAT?!" He continued spitting fire that was left unanswered.

After a minute or two, finally, he heard the loud bang of the door closing before the door of his room was opened. The view was kinda shocking but his face showed none.

There stands his so-called caretaker, with his luggage and clenched jaw.

"I don't want to stay here as well! If you can't learn to respect people, learn to stay alone." With that, the other stepped forth to slam a paper on the side table before storming out of the room with the bag.

"GET OUT!" The brunet shouted to only hear another bang of the door, this time the front door of his mansion, and the reality dawned upon him.

He was left alone...

His hands turned into tight fists, mouth a bit ajar as the harsh breaths left his parted lips greedily.

I don't need anyone..

I'm fine...

I'm fine...

I don't want anyone...

Repeating that to himself, he shook his head as if he could just shake off the thoughts that way. The soft brown eyes were raging in some deep emotions, the emotions he never let the others decipher, never let the others approach them.

His fists collided with his legs, face contorted in anger, rage, and frustration but another feeling was there,.. pain.

Pain of being alone..

Pain of staying alone..

Pain of accusation, that he deserved to be alone...

He was once again left alone... alone like before.

"I don't need any of you." This time, his voice came out more shaky, not because of the anger but because of his wobbly lips, his stinging eyes, and his hurt heart.

That slightly blurry sight fell on the lightly crumpled paper on the side table and his hand was already gripping it to see.

Another bitter chuckle left his lips when he saw the written words on that paper.

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