28: Doubtful

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The usual aura wasn't there when the person named Min sat with a hope to be forgiven by the other, well a bit of a difficult task to achieve but he was trying to calm the beast.


"Don't dude me, Min! How dare you, HOW FU*KING DARE YOU TO DO THAT!" His voice came out very loud even when the loud music was blasting in the hall, a few people turned their heads to see the commotion but Min was quick to drag the other away from the place before they could get more unwanted attention.


"Fine, I got it that you are mad, but don't act like a crazy dog. Listen to me first!" When the other seethed out equally frustrated once they were in the car, he gritted his teeth and kicked the poor metal door.

Min rolled his eyes before throwing his phone in front of the other who gave him a glare once the device hit his knee.

"Look, count, and tell me how many times I've called you! I already sent you the details about the second customer. Now, both of them just want that model dead as soon as possible. We can't delay it anymore, can you hear me? We can't or else they'll break the deal, which means no money!" RD leaned backward, eyes looking ahead as he heard the other bursting out in a hushed tone because they were still in the parking lot of the club.

"But, it doesn't justify your act of hiring Park for the deal."

"Seriously? Are you nut head? You fool, I have to! I just offered him only a little and he agreed but no, you had to be stubborn and blocked his attack! If you are this much free to keep your eyes on Kim, why can't you kill him then?!"

"Don't remind me of my job, Min. I've told you that-"

"That you're busy with some personal matters, but what are those matters?!"

The argument got heated and both were equally angry with each other, and being the younger, RD was ready to throw hands when his phone buzzed in his pocket which caught Min's attention.

"Personal matters, my foot." RD gave him a death glare and switched off his phone.

"I need to go, but keep this one thing in mind Min, he is my target, hire anyone else and we are on our way." Min gaped in disbelief as the younger got out of the car and slammed the door as harshly as he could and just disappeared behind the shady street. 

"You're being very doubtful," Min grumbled under his breath before getting out of the car as well to cool down his anger as he walked back to the high-profile club.

Just as he reached inside the club again, he caught a little rush near a table and heard people squealing, mostly girls. He scoffed in distaste, sitting down near the counter to order his favorite, trying to block away the loud noises he just gulped down the alcohol down his throat, mind still fixed on how RD was behaving for this one target.


The brunet huffed out a soft sigh, eyes lingering on the raven-haired who seemed to be very busy assembling his things.

"Jungkook!" The said person blinked but said nothing in turn, causing the older to scowl. Of course, Kim Taehyung was not the person who was ignored by anyone but this raven-haired was taking him lightly, why? Just because he denied to take his morning dose of medicines after breakfast? Even when he was healed, his body was still in need of a whole course of medication, but he just decided to ditch the doze because he was sick of that smell.

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