25: Too good to be true

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung slept like a small baby the whole night. Reason? Simple, Jungkook was sleeping beside him, keeping his body in a gentle embrace for the whole time till he finally opened his eyes in the morning to see a soothing sight for the second time. Yes, a second time, because the last time was still fresh in his mind.

After staring for whole half an hour, he didn't get tired, hands itching to trace the other's sharp jawline and the prominent adam's apple. Biting his own lips in disbelief, he let out the softest smile he could have, another rare side of him that he had locked up in some abyss but Jungkook was the only person who found it.

"It's too good to be true." His deep emotions poured out in a few words as he finally gave in to his desire to touch the other's jaw. That long finger with perfectly shaped slightly pink nails ran down the slope of the bone, sending jolts of electric shocks down his spine, making him feel extremely excited for some reason.

A small touch and such an effect?


"Same thoughts." It was like another shock that made the brunet pull back his hand in an instant, cheeks flushing pink in embarrassment when he found the other smirking down at him.

"What? Done so quickly? Or you're feeling shy just because I'm awake." Jungkook muttered in his morning voice, lips still stretched in a smirk that soon turned into a sweet smile.

Taehyung bit his lips more harshly but Jungkook was quick to pull out his lips from his teeth to save them from further torture. "Why so harsh on these petals?" The brunet gasped at the word but before he could pull back, Jungkook gave him a slight jerk, making him fall back on the mattress.

"You're so flirty, Jeon." Jungkook scoffed, rolling his eyes but winced when a smack landed on his arm.

"Ow, baby, that's violence in the early morning."

"Stop that, that's weird." Jungkook stopped his whining when Taehyung mumbled, voice almost like a whisper.

"But, it really hurts."

"No, not that but stop calling me- calling me,"

"Baby?" Seeing the other troubled in saying that loud, Jungkook completed that for him and his heart fluttered for the nth time when he saw that beautiful blush on those soft cheeks.

Really, too good to be true.

"Aww, are you shy because of the nickname?" Taehyung blinked, slowly pushing the other away before sitting up on the bed, of course, Jungkook helping him in the task.

"I'm not a baby." The raven-haired smiled, leaning forward to peck the other's nose to which Taehyung became redder. Just so, so cute.

"You are, such a soft," He leaned more to nuzzle his nose on the other's cheek and left a peck. "-squishy and cuddly baby." Taking the other in his arms, he received a cute yelp before both of them were out of bed.


"Only mine baby." Taehyung smiled and hugged back the younger as he was escorted to the washroom, not in the wheelchair but in the arms of his lover.

Confession made him feel like a new person, hearing the clear 'I love you, Taehyung,' played a major role in making his heart a puddle of marshmallows. His long-buried desire suddenly came out and his body wanted nothing but the affection the other showed after his positive response.

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