47: Too late?

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was breathing heavily, feeling the most bothersome noise of gunshots just increasing with every passing second. He could hear some grunts and shouts too, but to the dismay of his heart, none of them belonged to Jungkook, dismay because he believed that the younger left, just left him like that!

Wheeling to the door, he tried to open it for the nth time, but of course, Jungkook had locked the door from outside before leaving, making sure that no one else entered there. But this was more frustrating to the brunet who end up punching the wooden door.

"What should I do? What's happening there?" His mind was screaming to hate Jungkook, and believe that whoever was outside, the younger must've called them to kill him, or worst, Jungkook might've already left to kill Jimin as he planned to do before the interruption, and that thought made me more restless.

Looking around with panicked-filled eyes, he found nothing to contact anyone, not even the phone Jungkook was holding before.

He took it too, he is behind it all!

The thought left a bitter taste behind, making the brunet let out a choked sob on that, why? Because his heart was hurting so much, it was continuously implying to believe whatever Jungkook said before leaving him in the room, it was requesting to believe that Jungkook really would never hurt him.

Then what about the pain I'm feeling right now?

Once again, his mind opposed his heart, causing him to grab his own hair in desperation, because he really wanted to believe in his heart but his mind was making it very difficult, leaving him in a battle, a very painful one.

Another loud gunshot made him flinch and on instinct, his gaze fell on the sniper rifle in the bag. Even when he didn't know how to use it, he reeled there to get hold of it with shaky hands. The rifle was heavy than he thought, but avoiding that, he aimed at the door after struggling to load it.

The noises from the outside slowly went down and so did the gunshots, making him more attentive. The rifle in his hands shook when he managed to aim at the door. Soon, the door banged, causing him to flinch slightly as someone struggled to open it up from the outside.

Is Jungkook there? Didn't he leave already?

Those questions were soon answered when the door burst open by none other than Jungkook, who stumbled inside the room in great haste and made a beeline to the bag after closing the door.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he noticed the limping of the younger and wet jacket that was shining and black leather didn't show any color. But deep down, he felt very uneasy, bothered by the appearance of Jungkook.

Jungkook was taken aback when he saw the rifle in Taehyung's hand but paid no heed to that because it wasn't easy to handle a rifle, also a sniper rifle. Shaking his head, he struggled lightly to get his things that included his important stuff, and shoved it all into the bag before zipping it up again, not forgetting to take the rifle from Taehyung's hands as well.

"What- what are you doing now?!" Taehyung's face showed clear distaste when his chair was pushed out of the room. Jungkook hung the bag on his shoulder and pushed Taehyung's chair out of the room but gasped in horror when he noticed 3 more men coming out of the kitchen, ready to shoot the brunet.

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