43: Help?

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Third person P.O.V

The room was dipped in grave silence, but Jungkook decided to break it first, chasing the new man as the other entered without having any permission.

"I am sorry, but you can not bring anyone like that, Mr. Park." Jimin rolled his eyes at the sharp retort but avoided it as much as he could while waiting for a positive response from the house's real owner.

"I was with him near your house, so I decide to visit you and ask you about your health. He was with me and is a huge fan of yours, I couldn't deny it when he showed me his puppy eyes, after all, he is my only friend too."

Jungkook was ready to give another sharp remark but had to stay silent when Taehyung welcomed the guests with a small smile, almost giving him a shock of life.

"Please, bring something for them, Jeon." Just like that, the raven-haired was forced to leave the brunet alone with the two people, including the one he happened to despise the most by now after Drake and Dong.

"What the hell this midget is doing here? And the other Park, why does he look familiar by his eyes?"Grumbling under his breath, Jungkook took out some fruits from the fridge as he pushed himself to serve the person he hated to his guts.

The awkward silence was broken by Jimin who pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in Taehyung's palm who was confused by the sudden touch on his hand. On looking down he was more confused to find a small drive in his palm, the cold metal poking his skin when Jimin slightly pushed it on his palm.


"I'm sure that you didn't open my previous gift yet, that's why I have to come again to help you."

"What do you mean by help?" The confusion was increasing and the silver-haired wasn't helping much with his words.

"Actually, I lost someone dearest to me back in the USA. You might be surprised to know that the person was the same who tried to- um- who is trying to kill you."

Taehyung's eyes widened, and his grip on the device tightened when Jimin continued telling his own story in a very small voice like he was trying to keep his words just between them.

"That person, named RD killed my father-like uncle in the USA. It took us a whole year to actually find out that RD wasn't in the USA anymore but that beast in now in Korea." Taehyung's throat was dry, his mind not working on how to process this information. First Dong and his brutal acts, and now this?

"You know that?" The only question that left his mouth made Jimin nod in sadness, his eyes focused down at the USB in hand.

"Of course, even when cops kept it a secret, it wasn't a mystery to actually crack it open." Taehyung licked his lips, ready to throw some more questions.

No one did it yet, then how can he?

If RD is responsible for deaths in the USA, how come he is still free?

And why are they here to tell him that all?

"I know, you are confused about many things. But this will answer a lot of your questions, just don't," Taking a deep breath as Jimin pointed toward the USB, he let out a whisper.

"Don't let it be seen by anyone else," Just then, Jungkook came out of the kitchen, his hands carrying a tray that had three glasses filled with apple juice. Walking forth with the tray, he put that on the table before giving his attention to Taehyung who looked kind of pale.

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