34: RD and his target

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was silently waiting for Jungkook to be back with the car, a soft breeze was making his brown hair wave like tides of the sea, just the color was different. A small smile was still present on his lips as he fidget with his bracelet after keeping his phone back in his pocket. While he was still absorbed in his own little world, a hand squeezed his shoulder gently, making him bite his lips as he thought that Jungkook was again going to show his affectionate gesture. The hand slowly moved up to his nape only to leave a feathery touch on his skin, making him shiver at the sensation. 

"Jungkook, it- it feels weird now, don't do it." It was kind of surprising for him that the same touch always made him feel at peace but now, it was really weird, maybe because they were standing in a public place, even when the area was empty, and only a few guards were there. 

"Why? I saw you enjoying Jungkook's touch here." The voice made Taehyung quickly jerk away the hand from his nape and glare at the person who was standing there with a sort of dejected expression. 

"What are you doing, Mr. Park." The other model let out a scoff past his red and plump lips, his face was totally flushed, definitely because of chugging down the ample amount of alcohol before, and that made Taehyung a bit awkward. The way Jimin was looking down at him made him really uncomfortable that he just wanted the other to stay a bit back, but before he could voice out his words, Jimin fell on his knees right in front of him. 

"Mr. Park-"

"I am sorry for that day, Taehyungie. It was just, that stupid mind made me do it, I never wanted to hurt you so bad." Taehyung was now beyond surprised after hearing the nickname from the mouth of the person who was showing only hate since they came across each other in the company, and what's with that sudden apology? He must be really drunk. right...

"Mr. Park, you are drunk, please go back inside and leave the place with your manager to take some rest." Jimin giggled at that, from his peripheral vision he could see Jungkook taking the car out of the parking lot. 

"Are you really changed now, Taehyungie? Is that manager of yours that good to change your nature?" 

"Mr. Park!" Taehyung frowned upon the change of topic but once again, Jimin rendered him speechless when his wheelchair was abruptly turned around so that he was now facing the other completely. Jimin was still on his knees but his eyes were not like before. Taehyung saw Jimin opening his mouth to say something, but his wheelchair suddenly moved back only to roll down the slope. Everything happened so suddenly that he lost control of his chair, causing him to stop on the road after he pushed his fingers into the wheels as the switch was off. Just when he thought it was over and Jimin was rushing down to help him, a car appeared from somewhere and roared toward him at full speed.

Taehyung's panicked mind stopped working and he barely took out his fingers from the wheels. The car was already a little distance from him and he heard someone screaming. It was like a deja vu and he felt drowned in the horrible accident that changed him.

When he thought that it was definitely the end of his miseries, his eyes got closed to accept his fate, to accept death... but, his body jerked forward, a loud crashing and screeching made him flinch badly, and his head landed on something hard that was letting out some sound... 

The first thing he saw after opening his eyes was his wheelchair at a distance, crushed and totally unusable now, a car rushing away at great speed and his body almost hanging,?

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