22: Promises

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Third person P.O.V

The knife in his hand was shaking just like his whole body, his mind was hazy, all he could see were the deadliest scenes of his dead best friends and their parents.

"I- I won't be the reason for any more deaths." It was a promise that he wanted to fulfill since the circle started years ago.

The knife was brushing his skin before he pressed it in a daze, the mind too blank to think rationally. Smiling faces of his late family members and his friends, especially someone who just decided to be his first love, crossed his mind as he moved his hand with a shallow breath.

A small smile formed on his lips when he thought of meeting them all, going away from all the fake people in the world that actually was a hidden hell itself for him. Closing his eyes, he muttered 'I won't kill anyone' softly through his ragged breath and in a quick motion moved his hand to cut his own delicate skin.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Taehyung's eyes widened at the loud voice as his hand was jerked away in a swift but firm way, dropping the knife at a distance but still on the bed.

His blurry sight met with the other's, who had his eyes blown wide, horror, worry, and concern, that's all he could see swarming in those at that moment. Two arms jerked his shoulders slightly, dragging him away from his trance.

"Get away, I don't want to live!"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Ignoring the other's words, he just leaned forward in a haste to get the knife, a simple way to get out of hell.

"No, hey- give it back!" When the raven-haired snatched it away again and threw it out of the room, he almost growled but the other seemed unfazed.

"GET IT BACK! DO AS I SA-" Instead of words, he was answered by a warm but desperate embrace. Maybe, he was more sensitive at the moment but he felt the other's body shaking against his own, heart thudding so loudly that he could feel that too against his chest.

"Calm- calm down.. please." Jungkook softly mumbled, voice almost cracking but he was still trying to ignore it all to just end his own miseries.

"I'm not mad, it's not just a moment thing, Jeon. I- I really want to end it all." Jungkook's arms were making his efforts weak. Younger's shaking body was making his own like a puddle.

"No, it's not true. You- you are just scared right now but," The raven-haired pulled back, not completely but just to cup his face gently and Taehyung felt like losing his mind when he felt every finger shaking on his face.

"You're not alone, I'm here and I won't let it happen. I won't let you do this stupidity." Taehyung chuckled, gazing right into those dark orbs to see the pure concern.

"You don't understand.. I- I can't live like that. My every breath hurts, my every heartbeat mocks me that I engulfed many lives to reach this age." Jungkook shook his head, wiping the tears of the other who was unaware of them till now.

"You did nothing to them. They died their own deaths, why are you blaming yourself for something you never did?" Taehyung gulped thickly, again recalling the reasons why he always blames himself.

"You don't understand... you will never understand." Jungkook sighed, taking a deep breath he made himself a bit comfortable in front of the other as he was almost hovering over his frame.

But even while moving, he didn't let go of the other's body like he was still scared of what he just witnessed.

"I don't want to understand. All I want is your happiness, your better life.. that's all." Taehyung blinked at that, moving his head to see the drawer that had the memories of the day... but they were never locked enough.

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