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i know yall are ready for some fluff so here you gooooo
tw: substance use and a lot of sex talk (no smut)

The two of us walked backstage, waving at some of the bands we'd interviewed earlier as we passed. Once we made it to the dressing room, Lilli stopped and looked at me.

"Let's go have fun. It's going to be fine." I said, ignoring my own issues with Sam. She nodded and we walked in. 

"Ayooo, look who made it!" Josh yelled. "The bar is right there, so help yourself, and Bella, there's a joint in the bathroom if you want it." He winked.

"You know me so well." I said, smiling. "Holy shit, Mac!" I exclaimed, running over to the petite girl. She stood up from her chair, giving me a hug. 

"Bella, you look amazing!" She said as she looked me up and down. Danny called to her from the bathroom and she looked at me apologetically. "Duty calls. I'll be back in a second, don't go anywhere. We have so much to catch up on." She smiled, walking to her boyfriend.

I scanned the room, looking for any mishaps I could get involved in tonight. I wanted nothing more than to get hammered and forget about the day. Lilli was sitting next to Jake, their fingers intertwined as she swooned over him, Josh sitting next to them chatting with Kacey.  Across from me stood Sam. He scrolled through his phone aimlessly, occasionally sipping his beer. Josh handed me two shots out of the blue, looking at me eagerly. I guess whatever Sam had said to him didn't matter because he was just as friendly with me as before.

"Sammy, come drink with us!" Josh said, offering the boy a shot. Sam didn't move but rather just waved us off, continuing to scroll through his phone.

"So sassy, Samuel." Josh laughed, clinking his glass with mine before we both pounded them back. The liquid burned down my throat, so I washed it down with another, and then another after that. After a few minutes of chatting and laughing with the full group, Danny and MacKenzie too, I eventually felt tipsy enough to talk to Sam.

"Sam," I said, putting my hand on his arm to get his attention. He glanced up, his brown eyes filled with regret, and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve any of the things I said to you. It was shitty, and I really just want to have a good night. Can we look past this, just for the night?" He looked down, avoiding my eyes as he knew I wasn't the only one in the wrong. 

"I'm sorry, too. I said some fucked up shit. I think we can be okay for the night if that's what you want." He managed to say. I laughed quietly as I nodded, offering him a shot I had poured. 

"I'm okay. I'm not much of a shots person." He said, smiling.

"Okay, then come smoke an apology joint with me?" He laughed and gave in, following me to the bathroom. We lit it up and passed it between the two of us while sitting in a comfortable silence. Once the high hit, I could no longer filter my words and said what I felt needed to be said.

"I didn't mean any of the stuff I said back there," I said, looking up at him. "I felt like I needed to defend myself, so I attacked you."

"I didn't either." He admitted. "Most of it was bullshit anyway. I have thought about you. A lot actually. You were right. It kind of was all about you. That line in When The Curtain Falls was aimed at you, which I apologize for, but so were a lot of other songs." He sighed. 

"Oh yeah, like what?" I laughed, crossing the room to sit on the floor with him. 

"Flower Power, parts of Always There, and Light My Love." I sighed contently, leaning into him. He put his hand on my knee, rubbing slow circles with his thumb.

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now