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yall, i lied. sassy Sammy is back with a vengeance.

tw: vomit

"You should go," he muttered, pulling the shower curtain to reveal himself.

"What?" I asked in shock. 

He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, walking back to the bedroom.

"You should go. It's almost one and I'm exhausted," he reiterated.

"Okay, so, you fuck me and then kick me out? I came here to talk, Sam, and I still plan on doing so," I snapped.

"I'm in New York for the next two months to do some PR shit. We can talk another day," he breathed, rubbing his hand over his face. 

I stood up and he tossed me a pair of sweatpants. I slid them on underneath his shirt, too tired to argue with him. I grabbed my shit and walked to the door. I threw on my docs as I glanced at the tall boy who was sitting on his phone once more, ignoring my stare.

"Good night, Sam," I mumbled.

"Night," he muttered, a joint hung loosely from his mouth. 

I sighed, walking out and slowly closing the door behind me. I called Lilli the second I got out of the hotel, praying to God she was ready to go home.

"You've reached Lilliana Dempt, please leave a message!" her voicemail recording rang out all three times I called.

"Fuck, Lilli, pick up your phone," I mumbled to myself. 

I assumed they wouldn't be in the venue, as the show was long done, so I called Josh in an attempt to find them.

"Hey, where's Lilli?" I asked the second he picked up.

"I'm not sure. She and Jake went off a few minutes ago. Mac, Danny, and I are all at the bar inside the venue if you want to join, though," he stated, laughing at something someone on the other end had said.

"Okay, on my way. Thanks, Joshy," I sighed, hanging up. 

I made my way into the venue, flashing my pass at the security guard as I entered. The guard looked at me funny as I appeared to be quite disheveled. My long hair a mess from the -uh, well... yeah- and Sams's oversized clothing hanging loosely off me like a scarecrow.

"It's been a long night. I'm friends with Greta Van Fleet and a Vogue columnist. Stop looking at me like that," I mumbled to him, walking inside.

I made my way to the small pub, immediately spotting Josh and his animated movements from the entrance.

"Hey, guys., I sighed as I sat down.

"Holy fuck, what happened to you?" Mac said from the other end of the bar.

"And why are you wearing an 'I'm a Jake girl' shirt?" Josh furthered. 

I looked down, realizing I indeed was wearing said t-shirt. 

That asshole.

"Sam happened and because it's true, I am a Jake girl," I said in full sincerity. They all laughed, staring at me with partial concern and other part hilarity.

"Are you okay?" Danny genuinely asked.

"Your best friend is a dick, but I'm fine," I murmured.

"What'd he do?" Mac inquired.

"I don't like to kiss and tell but-"

"Yes, you do," Josh laughed, interrupting me.

"Shut up, Josh," The three of us simultaneously said. The curly-haired boy downed a shot and shrugged it off, looking at me as he waited for my story.

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now