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look at the boyyyyy
for those of you who already read this chapter, it didn't properly save, so there's about a half a chapter you missed! please read as it is quite relevant to the story. I'm sorry this happened, wattpad is weird sometimes yall

I clambered out from underneath Josh, attempting to find my clothes in the mess of pillows and blankets. Danny stood there with his back turned and Sam looked down, though I'm not sure whether it was out of respect for his naked brother or pure disappointment. I assumed it was the latter.

"What were you thinking?" Sam muttered, his hand covering his face.

"I-" I started once we were both fully clothed.

"Not you, Bella. I expected this from you, but Josh? Come on, man. What the fuck was going on in your fucking goldfish brain that made you think this was a good idea?" he said, slightly raising his voice.

"I don't know, Sam. What were you thinking when you fucked your ex?" Josh snapped, comparing circumstances.

"It's not the same, Josh," he mumbled.

"Yeah, you're right; it's not the same. I actually give a fuck about Bella, but Santana was just easy, right? No commitment? You'll never have to see her again, so what's the harm, hm?" Josh mocked, standing to face his brother, "but that's the thing; it did hurt people. It hurt Bella. Your fucking ego cost her the job, and your selfishness fucking tore her to pieces, so yeah; I thought this was a good idea. I thought about what I did before I did it so that maybe, for once in her life, she could feel fucking loved instead of the way you make her feel."

I watched as Josh tore his brother to pieces, remorse vacated from his body, and my heart dropped. I know he didn't mean it like that, but I felt like a pity fuck- Like, all he wanted to do was give me some sort of temporary love that he knew I wouldn't get from Sam. Like he let me use him.

"Josh is right, Sam," I managed to say, "You treat me like garbage, and it's obvious you don't want me, so I did what I wanted to do for once instead of living for your goddamn unrequited love."

"I-I'm sorry," is all he could muster up, his eyes seeking mine for some sort of forgiveness, but all he could find was hurt.

"You have a weird way of showing it," I sighed, grabbing my shit and walking out without another thought. The second I had driven out of sight of the Kiszkas home, I pulled over and broke down. The thought that I potentially just fucked up my relationship with Josh and Sam forever tugged at me like a feral dog on a leash. The thought that I was just a pity fuck. The thought that maybe Sam did want me at one point, but he most certainly wouldn't after today.

I sat parked on the side of the road for what felt like forever before I eventually ended up calling Lilli, knowing that I couldn't be alone right now.

"Hello?" A raspy voice whispered when she finally answered.

"Jake?" I questioned, almost not recognizing the person on the other line.

"Yeah, it's me. We were napping and Lilli is still out cold. What's up?" he murmured.

"Uh, nothing. I just wanted to see if I could swing by for a bit?" I said, trying not to beg.

"Yeah, sure. She's waking up anyway. How far are you?"

"By your place, so about 20 minutes away. Is that okay?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't make me wait any longer. I heard shuffling and Jake talking on the other end.

"Lilli says 20 is fine, but you better bring coffee," he chuckled.

"You got it. Be there soon," I said, hanging up the phone and rushing to get to the nearest Starbucks.

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