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this one is so sad. Im sorry



Big blue eyes and a small bundle of hair sat atop their small heads. Their mouths smiled big like not a thing mattered surrounded by light freckles and a birthmark on one of the baby's cheeks. God, they were beautiful.

"They're perfect," I whispered to Sam, letting the baby I held play with my hair as it dangled above him.

"Look at him, Bel. His nose is so little!" Sam whispered in excitement as he cradled a baby in his hands, bopping his nose as he did so.

God, I wish I had that in a picture.

"Sam, Sam; Look at the way he laughs when I touch his tummy," I giggled like a child opening a present on Christmas as I tickled him.

"Oh my god, he's precious," Sam responded in total awe of his brother's babies.

"They look just like her," I said, my lips closing tight as tears brimmed my lashes.

"Yeah," he sadly smiled, letting a momentary silence pass us by, "it's their eyes, I think."

"They look at me like she used to," I agreed, letting myself smile as I softly sobbed, trying not to upset the baby.

"A little piece of her," Sam sniffled, wiping his nose as he mirrored my actions.

"Okay," the nurse announced as she walked into the room, cutting our saddenned stillness with her piercing delight, "Everything is done, we just need to sign their names on the birth certificate, get some signatures here and there, and they are all good to be discharged!"

"Oh," Sam whispered, "I thought you needed a legal guardian to discharge them? Jake's not here yet."

"Yes... but you are Arabella Ashford and Samuel Kiszka, right?" the nurse questioned, double-checking her paperwork.

"Uhm, yeah," I chimed in, placing the baby back in his incubation cradle, "but we're not their parents. The guardianship should be under Jacob Kiszka."

"Oh... yes, it was under that name until last night, but as I'm sure you're aware, the guardianship was transferred over to the Godparents, and those Godparents just happen to be you two," she smiled, assuming that we already knew this information.

"Yeah, of course," I smiled, pretending like I knew what was going on, "hey, Sam?"


"Could you go make sure the baby seats are set up in the car for me, love?" I gleamed at him, trying to get him on the same page as me.

"Baby seats? I don-"

"Remember? The ones that were in the garage?" I spoke through closed teeth, doing my absolute best to get the babies home, regardless of the guardianship issue.

"Oh, yup! You got it!" he dramatically said, "I'll text you once I'm out front!"

"Thanks, babe," I breathed, turning back to the nurse, "Okay, so what do I need to do so that I can bring my babies home?"

"Ah, we just need their names and you have a few forms to sign, but after that, you're all good to go!"

"Oh, uhm. T-they don't have names just yet," I awkwardly chuckled, glancing back at my godsons.

"No problem!" the overly cheery nurse laughed, "most parents can't decide on a name right away. Just come back when you've decided and we'll print it out for you. Now, if you'd like to sit and fill these out for me, you're good to go."

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now